From caged kids to home decor: New book details Donald and Melania Trump’s arguments

When Donald Trump moved into the White House in early 2017, his wife Melania picked out a whole new range of furniture for the couple’s future home.

But Mr Trump’s tastes were gaudier than his wife’s, and while she was still preparing to move down from New York City he replaced her choices with his own.

That is according to American Woman, a new book by New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers, which lays bare the numerous arguments between Donald and Melania Trump during their time in office.

According to People magazine, Ms Rogers reports that the pair clashed over everything from white supremacist violence to Mr Trump’s alleged affairs, and which TV channel to watch.

While Mr Trump was famous for being often glued to Fox News, Ms Trump was reportedly a “voracious” viewer of CNN, the centrist-leaning rival that Mr Trump has long blasted as “fake news”.

In July 2018, the book says, Mr Trump became “incensed that his wife’s television was tuned to CNN aboard Air Force One during an overseas trip”, and decreed that all TVs aboard the presidential jet be set to Fox henceforth.

Their biggest blow-up was reportedly in late 2018, when news broke of Mr Trump’s alleged affair with the porn star Stormy Daniels, who claimed she was paid $130,000 to keep it quiet.

Ms Trump ducked out of a foreign trip with Mr Trump and spent the week relaxing at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, which the book describes as a calculated snub.

“I think she was pissed at Trump and wanted him to be a little humiliated that she took off,” Ms Trump’s then-press secretary Stephanie Grisham told Ms Rogers.

The book also delves into the domestic drama behind some of Mr Trump’s most controversial moments, such as when he said that there were “very fine people, on both sides” after a terrorist attack at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Ms Trump publicly distanced herself from her husband by making more moderate comments on Twitter – a tactic she repeated when Mr Trump issued a broadside against basketball player LeBron James.

But when Ms Trump did stand by her spouse, it didn’t always go well. In June 2018, while travelling to visit migrant children held in detention at the Mexican border, the first lady courted controversy by wearing a jacket that read: “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?”

Afterwards, a furious Mr Trump reportedly summoned Melania and Ms Grisham to his office to chew them out at the top of his lungs.

The Independent has asked for comment from Donald Trump and Melania Trump.

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