Home Decor – ATS – 3.7.24 | ROCK 95.5 | The Angi Taylor Show

This is just a small taste of the show overall, the bits and bobs that I found interesting, funny, insightful and relevant. To hear everything that happened, check out the podcast of today’s show. However, if you’re looking for a quick read along with random self inserts and my personal thoughts, you’ve come to the right place. 

Call in Point:

(This is the broadstroke canvas on which I base my call, obviously these notes are going to be longer and more detailed.)

One day removed from the weekend and I am pumped, mainly because someone set off the loudest firework in the world last night around 1 A.M. and woke me up and now I’m so tired I could scream. Still, there is work to be done and as you’ll see in these notes, plenty of it had to do with love, significant others and such during today’s show. For example, the Daily Discussion Topic today explored date night but more importantly, the ideal one. Spawned from a “hot new dating trend” which was neither new or something anyone with half a brain could come up with, a guy named Colin is celebrating a little too hard with a simple idea. After getting snowed in during a Buffalo blizzard, he and his partner came up with “Bottle Night.” This delightful evening involves putting away the phones, unplugging the TV and just grabbing a bottle of wine a piece and going wild. So basically, something that we all did and have done before but because he thinks he created an idea, this is now a thing. Angi only slightly backed him because we have become so dependent on being attached to our phones that it is hard to converse without them. Still, this is honestly nothing new and the fact that this went viral is kind of nuts. As one of the comments pointed out, this dude basically discovered “hanging out.” Still, it did open the floor for an interesting talking point. Angi wanted to know what the ideal date night was for the roadies. I mean, Angi loves to sit around and have wine with her husband but that’s just basically any day that ends in the word “day.” For Marris, he said going to an arcade or barcade is perfect for his ideal date night. This allows for co-op gaming or going head to head which dismissed Angi’s idea that the date would be ignored. Angi pointed out that if you want to date Marris, expect to hang out at Replay or Dave & Busters. Angi went a bit more extra (no shock there) and said she would want a nice dinner made by a personal chef. There would be wine (when isn’t there?,) weed and she might dress in sweats or she might dress up. The conversation would be thrilling and then Jay the Straight would spend the night visiting her bat cave without expecting her to explore his clock tower (even tired, I still got it!) All this non reciprocation, she wonders why he has a 24 year old busty blond bimbo waiting in the wings. With those two tackled and me two tired to fathom a healthy relationship (besides I’m married to my Captain Morgan bottle,) we move on to the Request Line and the roadies. Lori said her favorite thing to do is go to the dispensary and get a strain they’ve never tried, get some wine, some food and snacks and then settle in for a slasher flick that eventually leads to a killer lick (zing, wordplay bitches!) Steve is a fan of the going to Target route because it’s low pressure and it lets him get a feel for a person. Angi, as expected, flooded her basement at the thought of going to Target. Besides, if he doesn’t like the person he’s with, he can just lose them in houseware. Christie does Friday Night Fun which sees them ordering from a Mexican restaurant, having drinks, smoking, watching a concert on Youtube, cuddling and then well…. Dan said couch co-oping with a bottle of wine and some smoke. This led to the idea of creating a throple with Marris which we all want and need now. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.

Other Stuff from Today’s Show

Before date night can occur though, you’re going to need to have your house in order and for this one, Angi targeted the single men (run Marris!) How one decorates their place becomes a talking point and here are the things that need to be mended before a girl will allow you to plow her fields.

– Don’t be a pig. Clean up your dirty dishes, don’t have laundry lying around everywhere. Marris is good on this one.

– Don’t have a mattress on the floor with no bed frame. This isn’t college anymore. Marris is good on this one.

– Have some art. Not Funko POPs, not R2D2 and Black Panther posters. Angi compared Marris’ condo to looking like an AMC theater but apparently he does have actual art.

– Have a proper bed with clean sheets and a headboard. Angi lost it when Marris mentioned he does not have a headboard. This would be a talking point for most of the topic.

– Have 2 nightstands. Having only one showcases you don’t want a life with anyone. Marris is good on this one.

– Have a clean bathroom. No toilet skid marks, no toothpaste chunks, no razor hairs in the sink. Marris is good on this one.

– Have an organizer for your keys, wallet, etc. Marris is good on this one.

– Own some plants. Plants make a place fresher and more inviting. Marris owns a plant he can’t kill so he’s good.

– Have some good speakers. Marris has great ones for gaming, music and movies.

– Have matching dishware and silverware. No one wants to drink out of your Ohio State glasses. Marris is good on this one.

– Have rugs. Marris has one in his living room.

– Have a decent couch that is clean. Marris has a comfy couch and loveseat. However, his couch has been acting as a second bed which is clearly not good for his neck, back and crack.

Moving on, something you probably won’t find in Marris’ condo but you’d expect to is the viral Dune 2 popcorn bucket. The thing is, Marris hasn’t seen the first Dune so there’s no reason for him to own the fleshlight/blown out colon with teeth receptacles. The reason this is being brought up is some idiot trying to sell one for $800 on Ebay even though there’s plenty on there for less than $100. How desperate could you possibly be for this and just not spend the money on an actual fleshlight and the rest on repeat viewings of Dune where you could use the fleshlight (and then pay your bail.) Obviously, there are fanatics out there but there’s a good chance he won’t get the asking price for it. It’s kind of like taking something to Pawn Stars and asking for $8,000 and getting laughed out of the building. There is a weird culture though of what people buy as Angi illustrated when she worked at a radio station in Minnesota and NSYNC came in. Justin Timberblake ate three bites of a waffle and the station auctioned it off for hundreds of dollars. The money was donated to charity but could you imagine paying for a waffle some has been (current at the time) crybaby ate?

Finally, we took a moment to look at Gen X’s and how cool we are. Mind you before this Angi mentioned she can no longer swallow pills because they get stuck and she needs to be fed them like you do a dog’s pills with peanut butter. Also, her ear might fall off or something. This old age nonsense goes hand in hand with a guy who is saying not to mess with anyone over 42 as they are built differently (damn right we are.) We were the kids who had house keys at 5, made our own dinner at 7, and we were gone from dawn til dusk outside. We drank from garden hoses and our friends’ parents would feed us if we were around. We evaded kidnappings and we know several ways to remove blood stains. We are the F around and find out generation. Our parents were hands off hippies who had to work and left us to our own devices. The house was usually empty and we made it work. It was so ridiculous, they even had a PSA to check in on us. We rode in the front seat with no seatbelt while our parents hotboxed the car with cigarettes. We were built differently (and in Angi’s case, are now coming undone.)

Request Wars 3.5

Theme: One Hit Wonders

Current Champion: Angi (3x)

Angi’s Song Choice: “Turn Up the Radio” by Autograph

Marris’ Song Choice: “Butterfly” by Crazy Town

Winner: Angi 

10 O’ Clock Toast

Toastee: A Woman in Arizona Who Fell into a Well.

A woman in Arizona fell into a well recently and even though there was a ladder out of it, she stayed in it for the sake. Angi totally got this and now she wants to fall into a well for a few days and just relax. Apparently, she is back on her anti anxiety meds so she’s a little on edge and needs a break.

Show Quotes and Tidbits:

“I say that as someone who is mentally ill.” – Angi

“She got cataracts, she can’t hear, I gotta carry her up and down the stairs … wait a second, is that me?” – Angi

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