The WWE Hall of Fame is filled with talented and legendary wrestlers of the sport and several mainstream celebrities who had significant roles in the sport. Several are still not on the list, but that could change for this year.
Several celebrities are already part of the WWE Hall of Fame. These include Mike Tyson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Snoop Dogg, Ozzy Osbourne, and many more. However, more deserve their flowers after contributing to the sport’s early days.
#4. Johnny Knoxville has been involved with the sport for a while
Johnny Knoxville and the rest of the Jacka *s crew have been involved in wrestling for a long time. For Knoxville in particular, he has been a fan of the sport for a while. He was supposed to have his first match in 2007, but different issues led to this being canceled. He did eventually perform for the company.
Knoxville made his WWE programming debut in 2008 where he feuded with The Great Khali. Two years later, he appeared as a guest star on RAW. However, his most notable performance in the company was in 2022 for his feud with Sami Zayn, which ended at WrestleMania 38.
The match alone is enough to put the comedian in the Hall of Fame. He was present weeks before the event to hype the match and was entertaining on and off the ring. He also showed his dedication by performing and taking stunts for the sake of the sport.
#3. Lawrence Taylor has a unique history in WWE
Another superstar who had a significant moment in the company is Lawrence Taylor. He is best known as an NFL player who mainly played for the New York Giants. However, he also spent a brief time being a WrestleMania main eventer.
In 1995, he was at ringside for that year’s Royal Rumble when Bam Bam Bigelow decided to take his frustrations out on him after losing a match. This led to them main eventing WrestleMania XI, which even saw the NFL star training with Diesel.
Due to Lawrence, WWE gained mainstream exposure and several news outlets talked about the event. During the actual match, Taylor even brought some football friends of his own.
#2. Stephen Amell has been involved in professional wrestling in general
Stephen Amell’s involvement in WWE was quite unexpected, but it was certainly a good and entertaining addition. Later on, he further proved his dedication by wrestling outside the company as well.
Stephen Amell had his first taste of the ring in May 2015. While at ringside, Stardust decided to push the actor while attacking Neville. As a result, the Arrow star jumped the barricade and began a feud with Cody Rhodes, everywhere. After The American Nightmare left World Wrestling Entertainment, the duo met again in 2017 at ROH and then at AEW in 2020.
The actor is even quite confident that he will make it to the WWE Hall of Fame and is eyeing a match at WrestleMania. It shows how Amell is in love with professional wrestling.
#1. Cyndi Lauper played an important role in WWE’s early days
A celebrity who is long overdue for a Hall of Fame induction is Cyndi Lauper, as she played a huge role in the early days of the company and its inaugural WrestleMania event in 1985.
The popstar helped WWE cross over into the rock scene after releasing her single Girls Just Wanna Have Fun , which featured wrestling manager Captain Lou Albano. As it turns out, the latter also became close with Cyndi before that.
Lauper went on to appear on WWE television where she clashed with Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, and a storyline where Albano turned heel on his friend. This led to Vince McMahon risking it all to create the promotion’s first event which will have several celebrity names: WrestleMania.
Many of the company’s crossovers with celebrities, popularity from mainstream media, and even WrestleMania itself wouldn’t have happened without Cyndi’s involvement.
A former WWE star named 2 storylines for a WWE return HERE
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Poll : Do you think we will see any of this stars in the WWE Hall of Fame soon?
0 votes
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Edited by Sayantan Niyogi
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More from Sportskeeda
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Fetching more content…
var socialStoriesObserved = {};
var videoPlayedEventTriggered = {}
var socialStoriesIOConfig = {
root: null,
rootMargin: “0px”,
threshold: 0.5
var socialStoriesIntersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(handlerForSocialStoryIO, socialStoriesIOConfig);
function handlerForSocialStoryIO(entries) {
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
var targetEle =;
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
var videoEle = targetEle.querySelector(“video”);
if (videoEle) {
var postId =;
setEventListenerForVideoPlay(videoEle, postId, targetEle.dataset);
} else {
if ( 2000) {
// post viewed for more than 2 seconds
function sendPageViewTracking(dataset) {
if (TrackUsersLive === “undefined”) {
try {
var storyAbsolutePermalink = new URL(; = storyAbsolutePermalink.href;
} catch (error) { = “” +;
var data = ‘uri=’ + encodeURIComponent( +
‘&userIdentifier=’ + userId +
‘&post_id=’ + dataset.wpId +
‘&post_type=’ + dataset.type +
‘&published_date=’ + dataset.published +
‘&author_id=’ + (dataset.authorSlug || “”) +
‘&tt_id_json=’ + (dataset.ttIds || “[]”) +
‘&session_id=’ + TrackUsersLive.getUniqueSessionId() +
‘&query_string=’ + encodeURIComponent( +
‘&pageType=Articlepage’ +
TrackUsersLive.sendPageViewRequest(data, “”);
var eventUrl =;
// sends page view event for the social post to GA
function sendGAPageViewEventForSocialPost(url) {
if (!gtag) return;
gtag(‘config’, ‘G-T41EZF14QW’, { ‘page_path’: url });
function setIntersectionObserverSocialPosts() {
var socialStories = $all(“.social-story-wrapper .list-story-link”);
for (var i = 0; i < socialStories.length; i++) {
var storyEle = socialStories[i];
if (!storyEle || ! || !!socialStoriesObserved[]) {
function setEventListenerForVideoPlay(videoEle, postId, dataset) {
if (!videoEle || !postId) return;
videoEle.addEventListener("play", function() {
if (!!videoPlayedEventTriggered[postId]) {
videoPlayedEventTriggered[postId] = true;
sendGAEventForSocialStory("video_play", postId, false);
}, { once: true });
function sendGAEventForSocialStory(action, postId, nonInteraction) {
if (!gtag || !action) {
var params = {
"event_category": "Social_post",
"event_label": "Articlepage" || "",
if (nonInteraction) {
params["non_interaction"] = true;
gtag("event", action, params);
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Manage notifications
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function (err) {
null, true
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init: init
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