400 School Leaders Ask Congress To Address Student Mental Health And Educator Shortages

As Congress continues high-stakes budget talks, nearly 400 school leaders met with more than 300 members of Congress and legislative staff to seek their support for policies to address mental health and educator shortage crises during the National School Leaders Advocacy Conference, held jointly by the National Associations of Elementary (NAESP) and Secondary (NASSP) School Principals. 

“School leaders are more than administrators; they are the visionaries who navigate the complexities of running multimillion dollar organizations, working closely with communities and building safe learning environments to bring out the best in every student and educator,” said NASSP CEO Ronn Nozoe.

“Our firsthand experiences must inform policies that shape a more equitable and effective education system. We ask legislators to listen to our insights during budget negotiations and beyond.” 

“United in purpose, we gather in Washington, D.C., for the National School Leaders Advocacy Conference as education leaders and advocates for all children,” says NAESP Executive Director L. Earl Franks, Ed.D., CAE.

“Our collaboration with NASSP strengthens our collective voice on Capitol Hill as we speak out, influencing policy decisions and inspiring others with our shared dedication. The school leader is by nature an advocate, and now more than ever, we must ensure policymakers and the public hear their stories, understand the impact of their work, and support them in building a better future for every student.” 

School leaders ask legislators for support on the following legislation: 

  • The Loan Forgiveness for Educators Act
  • Educators for America Act 
  • Preparing and Retaining Education Professionals (PREP) Act 
  • Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Act 
  • Supporting the Mental Health of Educators and Staff Act 
  • Increasing Access to Mental Health in Schools Act 
  • Mental Health Services for Students Act 
  • Funding increased for schools that serve high-needs students, educator recruitment, and career and technical education. 

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