The love of music

Susan Davis
Susan Davis

My husband Ben has loved music for as long as he can remember. It’s been something that makes him happy.

Holyoke School offered band class starting in fifth grade, and he took the class. He was hoping to play the drums, but it seemed like everyone in the class had the same idea. So, Ben ended up choosing the trumpet.

In high school, band was the first class of the day. It always started his day off on a right note.

The teacher asked him to switch playing the trumpet to the tuba because the band needed more bass. He asked Ben to belt it out, and that is exactly what he did. He continued to play the bulky instrument all through high school.

Ben was in his element being a member of Holyoke’s pep band. They entertained fans at basketball and football games. During halftime at football games, he participated in the school’s marching band.

About 25 years ago, Ben bought his first guitar. He always thought guitars were neat because you can play the instrument and sing along to the music you are creating. You can’t do that on instruments you blow into.

He took some guitar lessons and learned the basics. Other than that, the skills he has acquired in playing a guitar has been from watching YouTube videos and lots of practice.

Whenever Ben performs in public, he gets very nervous. Most of us put in that situation would get the jitters, too. I’ve even heard some professionals get stage fright before performing.

Years ago, Ben heard about a coffeehouse that had an open mic night. He decided to go and I accompanied him.

When he was seated behind the mic, he looked my direction and told the crowd that he was dedicating the song, “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” to his wife. Suddenly, I felt like the spotlight was on me.

Since it was a song that had a special meaning for both of us, he was more relaxed. He did a good job, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Overall, it isn’t easy for him to perform in front of people, especially at church. I know how much time and effort he puts into practicing a song of his choice. He practices until he is satisfied that it sounds good.

Whenever he was going to do a special at church, I would be seated next to him in the pew. I could tell as it got closer for him to become the center of attention, his nerves were building.

Typically, Ben wasn’t satisfied with how he did. He felt like he could have done better, but members of the congregation told him they liked his song. Some of them said it touched them. That is why he likes to sing for others. He does want to touch them.

For Ben, it’s hard to do two things at the same time. It takes concentration to play the right notes on the guitar and sing along with the tune. He has never had any trouble singing solos with an accompaniment at church.

Some of his favorite music is folk, old-time gospel, ballads…any kind of song that tells a calm you down.”

Ben’s love of music has done all of those things for him in the past and continues to do that for him today.

Pamela Bacon is the Logan County Clerk and Recorder.

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