‘It’s All About Access’: Mobile Health Units Serve Rural Areas In Green Country

Some mobile health units originally used for giving out the COVID-19 vaccine are now being used to serve those in rural areas.

It’s been about three years since the Oklahoma State Department of Health rolled out the mobile health units.

The trailer and van travels around counties in district 7, which are often rural.

The mobile health units were launched in 2021 to help the health department roll out the COVID-19 vaccine.

But the units are now being used to provide things like health exams and immunizations for adults and children.

State health officials said the units have helped more than 1,200 people at 360 different events between January 1, 2022 and February 2024.

Tiffany Perryman, the coordinating nurse, said that people are appreciative of the services provided by these units because of limited healthcare providers in rural areas and transportation constraints.

“Oklahomans are in need and really it’s all about access. They’re not able to get to healthcare. So the fact that we can bring that to them and help them get it is our whole goal and it’s gratifying,” Perryman said.

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