Summer Car Care Decoded: Tips on How You and Your Car Can Beat the Heat

With the mercury steadily climbing as summer approaches, the comfort of your car ride depends more than ever on the health of its cooling and A/C systems. Understanding these complex systems can seem daunting, but one local expert is stepping up to take the mystery out of summer car care.

Mike Kefalas, owner and chief mechanic at JK Volvo, located at 1587 E Walnut Street in Pasadena, is no stranger to the inner workings of automobiles.

He recently took the time to explain the intricacies of a car’s cooling and air conditioning systems, and how they interrelate, to help motorists prepare for the summer months.

“Car maintenance isn’t just about the engine,” Mike began. “It’s also about the fluids that keep everything running smoothly.” He emphasizes the importance of checking and changing essential fluids such as engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and power steering fluid. These fluids each play a critical role in the overall operation of your car, and their condition can directly impact its performance and longevity.

“If any of these fluids are low or show signs of contamination, it’s time for a change,” Kefalas advised. “And don’t forget about your windshield washer fluid. Top it up as needed.”

The cooling system in a car is particularly critical in the summer months. It ensures that the engine maintains an optimal temperature and doesn’t overheat. The coolant absorbs the heat from the engine and dissipates it through the radiator. A well-maintained cooling system ensures that your engine performs at its best, even in the hottest weather.

The air conditioning system, on the other hand, focuses on the comfort of the passengers. However, it isn’t as simple as just blowing cold air. It involves a complex process of compressing and evaporating refrigerant, which removes heat from the car’s interior and expels it outside, cooling the air inside the car in the process.

Understanding the balance between these systems, Kefalas explained, is key to ensuring both your car’s performance and your own comfort during the summer months. “These systems are interconnected,” he explained. “If your cooling system is struggling, it can affect your A/C performance, and vice versa. Keeping both systems in good shape is essential.”

As summer looms, Kefalas’s advice serves as a valuable guide for drivers looking to beat the heat. Regularly checking and changing fluids, and understanding how your car’s cooling and A/C systems work, can be the difference between a comfortable cruise and a sweltering slog.

With the expert guidance of Mike Kefalas and the team at JK Volvo, Pasadena drivers can feel confident facing the summer months. Stay cool, Pasadena, and remember to take care of your car as well as it takes care of you.

Got questions? Call Mike Kefalas at JK Volvo, (626) 792-2240.

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