Every New Gadget In Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, Ranked By Coolness

We all know that the Ecto-1 is the most reliable way for the Ghostbusters to get around, even if it’s not a particularly great popcorn bucket. It turns out that replacing the suspension, shocks, brakes, brake pads, lining, steering box, transmission, and rear-end was a good move. Even after it rusted out a bit and looked rather rundown in “Ghostbusters: Afterlife,” it’s back in pristine condition in “Frozen Empire.” However, when the Ecto-1 is out patrolling the streets and Dr. Ray Stantz needs a way to get himself, Phoebe, and Podcast to the New York Public Library for a little research, they take the Ecto-C.

That’s right, we have another Ghostbusters vehicle on the scene. Perhaps partially inspired by the various vehicles seen on “The Real Ghostbusters” and turned into toys, the Ecto-C is a motorcycle with a sidecar. But since this is a Ghostbusters vehicle, it’s more than just transportation. Hidden inside the sidecar are a proton pack and neutrona wand, which allows Phoebe to quickly dispatch with the giant stone lion that has come to life outside of the library, thanks to the escaped Possessor ghost from the research center. You can see a little bit of that moment at the end of the TV spot above.

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