Holi is right here, and you know what that means: Vibrant colours, infectious joy, and…a potential tech apocalypse for your phone and other gadgets.
Don’t let your phone become a casualty of the colour war. Here’s how to keep your precious electronics safe:
Phone On A Holi-Day
As hard as it may appear, minimise gadget use during the celebrations. If you absolutely must check your phone, become a temporary party pooper and step away from the action. Toss a silica gel packet in your bag for good measure — it’ll soak up any sneaky moisture that might try to crash the party.
Ziplock Bags
Treat your phone like your world will collapse if it gets damaged (because, let’s face it, it probably will) and keep it safe in a ziplock bag. These little saviours are readily available and will shield your phone, smartwatch from the colourful chaos.
Seal The Deal
Water and coloured powder love sneaking into phones through tiny openings. To outsmart that, use some scotch tape to cover the charging port, headphone jack and speaker grilles. Think of it as incognito mode for your phone’s vulnerable bits.
Don’t Panic
If your phone takes a tumble in the water, shut it down immediately. Don’t plug it in until it’s completely dry. Hair dryers are a big no-no —the hot air can damage your phone’s delicate insides. Even the old soaking-in-the-rice trick should be avoided. The best you can do is let it dry on its own, wait for some time after that, try switching it on and hope for the best. Or take it to the authorised service centre the next day.
No Power Banks
Unless you have a waterproof power bank (which, let’s be honest, sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie), avoid charging your phone during Holi. Your phone might survive the water fight, but power banks are a whole different story.
Be Prepared
Backing up your photos, contacts and other important data before the festivity is a lifesaver if your phone does get wet or damaged.
Use Pattern Lock
Forget fingerprint or face unlock during Holi. With your face and hands covered in colours, those features will not come in handy. Switch to the pattern (available on Android phones only) or PIN lock to avoid any unlocking frustrations.