The Central Park Zoo Will Let the Owl to Roam Freely

The owl Flaco will not return to his cage at the Central Park Zoo any soon. Officials from the zoo said on Saturday that they are suspending efforts to recapture the Eurasian eagle-owl, whose habitat was purposefully destroyed two weeks ago. Flaco has spent this time visiting Central Park and has rapidly become a favorite of New York City birdwatchers, who have delighted in spotting him in various spots across the park. The bird escaped through a breach in his cage’s steel mesh on February 2; the New York Police Department is investigating the incident for criminal mischief. Zoo personnel and NYPD cops have attempted numerous times to coax Flaco back into a cage with bait and recordings of eagle owl sounds, but he has thus far evaded their attempts. “It was hilarious. After one fruitless attempt, the NYPD’s 19th Precinct tweeted, “We tried to aid this clever little person, but he had enough of his expanding audience and flew off.”