Just days after the highly anticipated launch of the OnePlus Nord CE4 in India, the phone’s availability is under threat due to a brewing conflict between the company and mobile retailers. The source of the tension appears to be unresolved issues flagged by retailers, prompting them to consider a drastic step – refusing to sell the OnePlus Nord CE4. The handset maker also faces a potential sales disruption in South India as the South India Organised Retailers Association (ORA) threatens to halt the sale of all OnePlus products from May 1 onwards.
The concerned retailers’ association, South India Organised Retailers Association (ORA) expressed their deep disappointment at the current impasse and urged a swift resolution, the media has reported.
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“Despite our persistent efforts to address these concerns with your company, little progress or resolution has been achieved. Promises made have not been fulfilled, leaving us with no recourse but to take this drastic measure,” a spokesperson for the retailers’ body stated, as per a report by news agency PTI.
Sales Of OnePlus Products May Be Banned
This development casts a shadow over the new OnePlus Nord CE4’s, potentially impacting sales and consumer trust in the Indian market.
This drastic move by the retailers’ body stems from what they claim are unresolved issues with OnePlus. While the specific concerns haven’t been publicly disclosed, the ORA has expressed their frustration with the lack of progress in addressing them.
At the heart of the conflict lies the issue of profitability. The ORA alleges that OnePlus consistently offers low profit margins on their products, making it difficult for retailers to stay afloat, especially considering rising operational and financial costs.
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Further compounding the problem are delays and complications plaguing the warranty and service claim process. The ORA highlights how these issues lead to customer dissatisfaction, placing an additional burden on retailers who have to deal with frustrated customers despite repeated attempts to escalate the problems to OnePlus.
The potential sales ban, if implemented, could significantly impact OnePlus’ market share in South India, a crucial region for smartphone sales.
The development also raises questions about the nature of the unresolved issues and their potential impact on OnePlus consumers and their experiences.