MCC dedicates career advancement center

With the snip of an extra-large pair of scissors on a ceremonial ribbon, the Muscatine Community College (MCC) DeWitt Career Advancement Center, well over a year in the making, was officially open to the public.

While the center has been open to students since the beginning of the fall semester, a ceremony was held Tuesday to dedicate and highlight the new $10 million facility. The center will focus on career academies and offer opportunities for both adult students and high school graduates to build workforce skills.

“We are excited to now show the community and our supporters and partners what programs we have and what technology we have and how learning has changed,” MCC president Naomi DeWinter said. “Even if they were MCC students or graduates I think they will see this is a completely different experience.”


A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Tuesday to dedicate the Career Advancement Cetner on the Muscatine Community College campus. The center will feature automotive technology, HVAC, criminal justice, nursing and allied health programs. 

David Hotle

The center now houses MCC’s automotive technology, HVAC, criminal justice, nursing and allied health programs. The spacious labs provide students the opportunity to get hands-on training. The building also has many inside windows so visitors will be able to observe work in the classrooms.

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Voters approved a $40 million bond in the spring of 2020 for Eastern Iowa Community Colleges` to build career and technical education facilities among the colleges. DeWinter said it was an opportunity for the college to add some programs, such as auto tech, that had been needed but were previously restrained by lack of facilities.

“How fun is this?” Muscatine Police Chief Tony Kies said as he looked through the new facility. “You have a career advancement center that takes care of not only law enforcement but of nursing, HVAC, automotive, and to keep the young men and women here to educate them and hopefully get them to go out into our workforce.”

Eastern Iowa Community College interim chancellor Liang Chee Wee said the grand opening is a significant milestone in the growth of the college.

“I am overwhelmed by the amount of support in the community,” he said. “It is shown in the passage of the $40 million bond. We are deeply grateful for the trust you have placed in us.”

He also commented, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”


Muscatine Community College president Naomi DeWinter addresses the audience during the dedication of the career advancement center. 

David Hotle

Mayor Brad Bark stressed hands-on education was important for the future of Muscatine. He said the college can now be a “one-stop shop” for industry training in Muscatine.

DeWinter said access to high-quality education and training is a priority at MCC. She said the new building is access to the latest educational technology. She also stressed the future of Muscatine relies on partnerships in the community.

“One of our core missions is to provide workforce training and fill the need for local business and industry workforce training,” DeWinter said. “We feel as though these programs respond to that need. Some of our local business and industry partners have given input on the programs so we have adjusted based on the businesses. I think they will see reflected in these spaces what they have communicated to us.”

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