Hillary Clinton and Malala Yousafzai Will Produce the Broadway Musical Suffs in 2024

In 2024, Hillary Clinton, who used to be Secretary of State, and Malala Yousafzai, who won the Nobel Peace Prize, will work together to create the Broadway premiere of the musical Suffs.

The show is about the fight for women’s right to vote in the United States. Shaina Taub wrote the book, music, and lyrics. It opened to great reviews at The Public Theater in 2022, where it was seen for the first time.

“We are elated to welcome Secretary Clinton and Malala to our Suffs producing team,” said Jill Furman and Rachel Sussman, who run the show.

“As powerful role models, they each inspire millions around the globe in their rigorous fight for equality, and we are honored to have two such profoundly dedicated and courageous advocates supporting us on Broadway.”

The show is set to start on April 18, 2024, at the Music Box Theatre.

Both Clinton and Yousafzai are strong supporters of women’s rights. Their work on Suffs shows how much they care about the fight for equal rights for men and women.

The show tells the story of a group of women who worked hard to get the right to vote. This is still an important story today. The fact that Clinton and Yousafzai are involved with the production is sure to get people excited about and interested in the show. It will also likely motivate a new generation of activists to keep fighting for justice.
