Pope Francis will attend G7 summit to speak about artificial intelligence

In an unprecedented move, Pope Francis will attend the G7 Summit—a political and economic forum that brings together leaders from some of the world’s most advanced countries.
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni says this is the first time in history that a Pope has attended the G7 meetings.

Italian Prime Minister

I am convinced that the presence of His Holiness will make a decisive contribution to defining a regulatory, ethical and cultural framework for artificial intelligence, because this field, the present and the future of this technology, will be another test of our ability, the ability of the international community, to do what another Pope, St. John Paul II, talked about in his famous speech to the United Nations on October 2, 1979. “Political activity, whether national or international, comes from man, is exercised by man and is for man.”

The meetings will take place in the southern Italian region of Puglia from June 13 – 15 and will include leaders from the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and Britian.
Pope Francis will join a session dedicated to artificial intelligence that is open to other countries, not just those in the G7.

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