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JOHNSTOWN, Pa. – This elaborate stage experience will keep audiences entertained with classic hits from one of the most influential rock bands – ELO.
Engler Entertainment in partnership with 1st Summit Arena @ Cambria County War Memorial will present The Orchestra, starring former members of the Electric Light Orchestra, at 7 p.m. Friday at the Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center on the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown campus, Richland Township.
“They’re doing all the hits of the Electric Light Orchestra, and it’s a magnificent show,” said Rich Engler, show promoter. “It’s so well-put-together, and it sounds and looks so great. They duplicate the music like you can’t believe, and they do 18 hit songs, starting with ‘Evil Woman’ and it just crescendos all the way out.”
He said the band has been playing in Europe, but coming back to the United States to do a few shows.
“I wanted to play Pittsburgh, but Pittsburgh was too far from the Philadelphia date they had that weekend, so one of my favorite places is Johnstown, and we had the opportunity to duck into the Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center,” Engler said. “I was totally blown away by the facility and how great it is, and the visibility that every patron has to the stage.”
The Orchestra has performed in more than 50 countries since 2001, entertaining with beloved hits such as “Evil Woman,” “Strange Magic,” “Livin’ Thing,” “Telephone Line,” “Do Ya,” “Don’t Bring Me Down,” “Mr. Blue Sky” and “Can’t Get It Out of My Head.
Band members include Mik Kaminski, Eric Troyer, Lou Clark, Parthenon Huxley, Gordon Townsend and Glen Burtnik.
“I’ve done 6,000 shows over my career and this stands out as one of the better ones,” Engler said.
He said audiences are in for an uplifting concert experience.
“It is a rock ‘n’ roll show, but it has the oomph of a symphony as well,” Engler said. “It’s like you’re seeing a 30-piece orchestra with a six-piece rock band, and that’s pretty magical.”
Chad Mearns, marketing and box office manager at 1st Summit Arena, said the production is a world-class and exciting show.
“There are certain shows that feel better in a smaller theater-type of setup, and this is one of them,” he said. “We can’t configure the arena in such a way that would make this feel the way it should, so we’ve been able to team up with the facility at Pitt-Johnstown. Hopefully, it continues to work in the future, and this is the start of a regular connection where we can bring more diverse shows to the Johnstown area.”
Mearns said interest for the show has been high since it was announced in July.
“Right out the gate, people were buying tickets, and we were really impressed because it was before we started doing any real advertising for it,” Mearns said. “For me, ELO was a bucket list band and I can never get to see the full lineup, and this is the closest I’ll ever get to seeing them. I think a lot of people are saying that and seeing the opportunity.”
Tickets range from $43 to $63.
Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.com or at the 1st Summit Arena @ Cambria County War Memorial box office.
For more information, call 814-536-5156 or visit www.1stsummitarena.com.
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