Draft Saving our Species conservation strategies: public consultation

Saving our Species delivers the Biodiversity Conservation Program under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Saving our Species conservation strategies are developed for threatened species and ecological communities, as well as many key threatening processes. The strategies are used to inform threatened species management in New South Wales.

Part 9 of the Act outlines provisions for public consultation on draft conservation strategies.

Draft Saving our Species conservation strategies have been developed for threatened species and ecological communities. This includes species that have been recently listed and updates to existing conservation strategies. Strategies were developed in consultation with key stakeholders, experts, external agencies and Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water staff to ensure they meet the objectives of the Saving our Species program.

Blotched sarcochilus (Sarcochilus weinthalii)

Public consultation

Currently there are 65 draft SoS conservation strategies available for public comment. Each conservation strategy details the critical sites or priority areas for the entity, critical threats, and management actions to address those threats.

This public consultation period provides an important opportunity for members of the community to have a say in the management of threatened species in New South Wales.

View the draft conservation strategies

Have your say

Have your say from 6 May 2024 to 31 May 2024.

There are 3 ways you can submit your feedback, listed below.


Where can I see printed copies of the draft strategies?

Hard copies are available for viewing at the Department of Planning and Environment Customer Centre, 4 Parramatta Square, 12 Darcy Street, Parramatta NSW 2150.


After consultation, we consider all public feedback and make any required amendments before the conservation strategies are approved and adopted.

Once the conservation strategies are adopted, they will be published on the Saving our Species strategies web page.

Submissions may be made publicly available unless otherwise advised.


Your privacy

Your comments on the draft strategies may include personal information. Department of Planning and Environment complies with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, which regulates the collection, storage, access, amendment, use and disclosure of personal information. Information that in some way identifies you may be gathered when you use our website or send us correspondence.

If an application to access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 requests access to your submission, your views about the release will be sought if you have indicated that you object to your submission being made public.


Privacy statement

The information you provide in your submission will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. By submitting, you consent to storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. You can request access and amendment of your personal information.

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