38 craft-forward home decor items that will look great in any corner of your house

You know how you sometimes walk through someone’s house just looking at all the cool home decor items they own, wondering if you could politely ask them to lend it to you (forever)? It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant like Darth Maul’s double-bladed lightsaber or a crystal chandelier that could impale you and your wallet, just something you see and immediately come up with a spot for in your own home: a cute napkin set, a beautifully designed coffee table book, an artsy rug. We’re currently in the peak of summer, which means everything we have our eye on needs to be light and airy. Naturally, we’ve gravitated towards wood, rattan, cane and wicker—materials that incidentally meet the criteria for India’s growing demand for unique sustainable products. Here’s our wish list; feel free to make it yours too:

Image may contain Bowl and Soup Bowl

Artisan Lab

What: Perola decor bowl

Price: ₹4,990

Buy Perola decor bowl

Image may contain Home Decor Linen and Napkin

Amber Stitch

What: A Dandy Life napkin (set of 4)

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