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At the outset, on this National Technology Day, May 11, 2024, a platform to celebrate India’s strides in science and technology, we at ETAuto would like to doff our hats to all engineers, innovators, scientists and researchers, and everyone involved in science and technology, for their innovations and contributions in various sectors, and also to our lives.

It was on May 11, 1998, when India successfully conducted the nuclear tests in Pokhran. The then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee designated the day as National Technology Day. The first National Technology Day was observed on May 11, 1999. To commemorate this special day we bring you a specially curated collection of technology-related contents in this newsletter. Hope you’ll find them interesting, and useful. A line or two of feedback, suggestions on it, to [email protected] would be more than welcome.

Biofuels: Need of the hour

In a country’s journey towards carbon neutrality, biofuels play a major role. They, being carbon-neutral, have to be promoted for a sustainable future. For India to be carbon neutral by 2070, adopting measures to facilitate production and distribution of bio-fuels can yield big dividends. Next year, 2025, will be crucial for the country, as it will adopt the E20 (20% ethanol blend in petrol) regulation.

Below are two articles, each by experts, a Research Scholar and academician Dr. Parikshit Gogoi, and a senior industry analyst Ashim Sharma, on the production and adoption of biofuels, and how they help promote cleaner mobility.

Read More: Biomass fuels: challenges and opportunities

Read More: Biofuels- paving the way for low carbon future in mobility

Propelling India forward, sustainably

The mobility industry globally is in a transformative phase. Electrification is a megatrend in mobility, and India aims to be the world’s electric vehicle (EV) hub. However, many things have to fall in line for India to fulfil this goal. Find out what they are in this guest article by Pankaj Sharma, co-founder and Director, Log9 Materials.

Read More: Opinion: How India can become a global hub for mobility tech

Will Autonomous Driving become a mainstream technology?

The mobility industry’s megatrends are encapsulated in the acronym ACES (Autonomous, Connected, Electrification, Shared). However, the A of ACES lags behind the rest significantly. Though assisted driving or partly autonomous tech is gaining grounds with ADAS, cars driving themselves are facing challenges on the way. We spoke to a host of technology providers to find out what is the current status, and where is the megatrend headed? Read the following news feature to know the details.

Read More: Autonomous Driving technology faces ‘winter’, geopolitical hurdles on its path to go mainstream

A new auto tech era is round the corner

In contrast to the slower than expected progress of the autonomous driving megatrend, the automobile softwarisation trend is progressing faster. And, that influenced our choice for the theme – Preparing for the SDV Era, for our National Technology Day Special webinar. Watch the recording of the webinar below.

Watch at: Preparing for the SDG Era

We are thankful to Mr. Rajendra Petkar, President and CTO, Tata Motors, for delivering the Opening Address, and Panelists Dr. S J Dhinagar, Sr. VP – Engineering, Ola Electric, Dr. Manaswini Rath, Sr. VP and Head – SDV and Autonomous Driving, KPIT Technologies, Mr.Jacob Peter, Executive Board Member & SVP, Bosch Global Software Technologies, and Ms. Latha Chembrakalam, VP and Head – India Technical Center, Continental Automotive, for their participation, and valuable contribution toits the webinar on the SDV trend, which also provides India, with its proven prowess in software technology, to be a globally leading hub for new-age mobility.

It’s onwards and upwards for mobility and technology, made in India!

Wishing you a nice weekend!

“,”next_sibling”:[{“msid”:109947663,”title”:”Auto Tech’s sustainable evolution”,”entity_type”:”ARTICLE”,”link”:”/news/newsletters/auto-techs-sustainable-evolution/109947663″,”link_next_mobile”:”/news/newsletters/auto-techs-sustainable-evolution/109947663?next=1″,”category_name”:null,”category_name_seo”:”newsletters”}],”related_content”:[],”seoschemas”:false,”msid”:110028685,”entity_type”:”ARTICLE”,”title”:”National Technology Day Special: Upwards and Onwards”,”synopsis”:false,”titleseo”:”newsletters/national-technology-day-special-upwards-and-onwards”,”status”:”ACTIVE”,”authors”:[],”Alttitle”:{“minfo”:””},”artag”:false,”artdate”:”2024-05-11 11:55:26″,”lastupd”:”2024-05-11 11:55:29″,”breadcrumbTags”:[“auto technology updates”,”National Technology Day”,”science and technology”,”mobility”,”autonomous driving”,”SDV trend”,”software technology”],”secinfo”:{“seolocation”:”newsletters/national-technology-day-special-upwards-and-onwards”}}” data-authors=”[” data-category-name data-category_id data-date=”2024-05-11″ data-index=”article_1″>

  • Updated On May 11, 2024 at 11:55 AM IST
  • <!–

  • 3 min read
  • –>

At the outset, on this National Technology Day, May 11, 2024, a platform to celebrate India’s strides in science and technology, we at ETAuto would like to doff our hats to all engineers, innovators, scientists and researchers, and everyone involved in science and technology, for their innovations and contributions in various sectors, and also to our lives.

It was on May 11, 1998, when India successfully conducted the nuclear tests in Pokhran. The then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee designated the day as National Technology Day. The first National Technology Day was observed on May 11, 1999. To commemorate this special day we bring you a specially curated collection of technology-related contents in this newsletter. Hope you’ll find them interesting, and useful. A line or two of feedback, suggestions on it, to [email protected] would be more than welcome.

Biofuels: Need of the hour

In a country’s journey towards carbon neutrality, biofuels play a major role. They, being carbon-neutral, have to be promoted for a sustainable future. For India to be carbon neutral by 2070, adopting measures to facilitate production and distribution of bio-fuels can yield big dividends. Next year, 2025, will be crucial for the country, as it will adopt the E20 (20% ethanol blend in petrol) regulation.

Below are two articles, each by experts, a Research Scholar and academician Dr. Parikshit Gogoi, and a senior industry analyst Ashim Sharma, on the production and adoption of biofuels, and how they help promote cleaner mobility.

Read More: Biomass fuels: challenges and opportunities

Read More: Biofuels- paving the way for low carbon future in mobility

Propelling India forward, sustainably

The mobility industry globally is in a transformative phase. Electrification is a megatrend in mobility, and India aims to be the world’s electric vehicle (EV) hub. However, many things have to fall in line for India to fulfil this goal. Find out what they are in this guest article by Pankaj Sharma, co-founder and Director, Log9 Materials.

Read More: Opinion: How India can become a global hub for mobility tech

Will Autonomous Driving become a mainstream technology?The mobility industry’s megatrends are encapsulated in the acronym ACES (Autonomous, Connected, Electrification, Shared). However, the A of ACES lags behind the rest significantly. Though assisted driving or partly autonomous tech is gaining grounds with ADAS, cars driving themselves are facing challenges on the way. We spoke to a host of technology providers to find out what is the current status, and where is the megatrend headed? Read the following news feature to know the details.

Read More: Autonomous Driving technology faces ‘winter’, geopolitical hurdles on its path to go mainstream

A new auto tech era is round the corner

In contrast to the slower than expected progress of the autonomous driving megatrend, the automobile softwarisation trend is progressing faster. And, that influenced our choice for the theme – Preparing for the SDV Era, for our National Technology Day Special webinar. Watch the recording of the webinar below.

Watch at: Preparing for the SDG Era

We are thankful to Mr. Rajendra Petkar, President and CTO, Tata Motors, for delivering the Opening Address, and Panelists Dr. S J Dhinagar, Sr. VP – Engineering, Ola Electric, Dr. Manaswini Rath, Sr. VP and Head – SDV and Autonomous Driving, KPIT Technologies, Mr.Jacob Peter, Executive Board Member & SVP, Bosch Global Software Technologies, and Ms. Latha Chembrakalam, VP and Head – India Technical Center, Continental Automotive, for their participation, and valuable contribution toits the webinar on the SDV trend, which also provides India, with its proven prowess in software technology, to be a globally leading hub for new-age mobility.

It’s onwards and upwards for mobility and technology, made in India!

Wishing you a nice weekend!


  • Updated On May 11, 2024 at 11:55 AM IST
  • –>

  • Published On May 11, 2024 at 11:55 AM IST
  • <!–

  • 3 min read
  • –>

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At the outset, on this National Technology Day, May 11, 2024, a platform to celebrate India’s strides in science and technology, we at ETAuto would like to doff our hats to all engineers, innovators, scientists and researchers, and everyone involved in science and technology, for their innovations and contributions in various sectors, and also to our lives.

It was on May 11, 1998, when India successfully conducted the nuclear tests in Pokhran. The then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee designated the day as National Technology Day. The first National Technology Day was observed on May 11, 1999. To commemorate this special day we bring you a specially curated collection of technology-related contents in this newsletter. Hope you’ll find them interesting, and useful. A line or two of feedback, suggestions on it, to [email protected] would be more than welcome.

Biofuels: Need of the hour

In a country’s journey towards carbon neutrality, biofuels play a major role. They, being carbon-neutral, have to be promoted for a sustainable future. For India to be carbon neutral by 2070, adopting measures to facilitate production and distribution of bio-fuels can yield big dividends. Next year, 2025, will be crucial for the country, as it will adopt the E20 (20% ethanol blend in petrol) regulation.

Below are two articles, each by experts, a Research Scholar and academician Dr. Parikshit Gogoi, and a senior industry analyst Ashim Sharma, on the production and adoption of biofuels, and how they help promote cleaner mobility.

Read More: Biomass fuels: challenges and opportunities

Read More: Biofuels- paving the way for low carbon future in mobility

Propelling India forward, sustainably

The mobility industry globally is in a transformative phase. Electrification is a megatrend in mobility, and India aims to be the world’s electric vehicle (EV) hub. However, many things have to fall in line for India to fulfil this goal. Find out what they are in this guest article by Pankaj Sharma, co-founder and Director, Log9 Materials.

Read More: Opinion: How India can become a global hub for mobility tech

Will Autonomous Driving become a mainstream technology?

The mobility industry’s megatrends are encapsulated in the acronym ACES (Autonomous, Connected, Electrification, Shared). However, the A of ACES lags behind the rest significantly. Though assisted driving or partly autonomous tech is gaining grounds with ADAS, cars driving themselves are facing challenges on the way. We spoke to a host of technology providers to find out what is the current status, and where is the megatrend headed? Read the following news feature to know the details.

Read More: Autonomous Driving technology faces ‘winter’, geopolitical hurdles on its path to go mainstream

A new auto tech era is round the corner

In contrast to the slower than expected progress of the autonomous driving megatrend, the automobile softwarisation trend is progressing faster. And, that influenced our choice for the theme – Preparing for the SDV Era, for our National Technology Day Special webinar. Watch the recording of the webinar below.

Watch at: Preparing for the SDG Era

We are thankful to Mr. Rajendra Petkar, President and CTO, Tata Motors, for delivering the Opening Address, and Panelists Dr. S J Dhinagar, Sr. VP – Engineering, Ola Electric, Dr. Manaswini Rath, Sr. VP and Head – SDV and Autonomous Driving, KPIT Technologies, Mr.Jacob Peter, Executive Board Member & SVP, Bosch Global Software Technologies, and Ms. Latha Chembrakalam, VP and Head – India Technical Center, Continental Automotive, for their participation, and valuable contribution toits the webinar on the SDV trend, which also provides India, with its proven prowess in software technology, to be a globally leading hub for new-age mobility.

It’s onwards and upwards for mobility and technology, made in India!

Wishing you a nice weekend!

“,”next_sibling”:[{“msid”:109947663,”title”:”Auto Tech’s sustainable evolution”,”entity_type”:”ARTICLE”,”link”:”/news/newsletters/auto-techs-sustainable-evolution/109947663″,”link_next_mobile”:”/news/newsletters/auto-techs-sustainable-evolution/109947663?next=1″,”category_name”:null,”category_name_seo”:”newsletters”}],”related_content”:[],”seoschemas”:false,”msid”:110028685,”entity_type”:”ARTICLE”,”title”:”National Technology Day Special: Upwards and Onwards”,”synopsis”:false,”titleseo”:”newsletters/national-technology-day-special-upwards-and-onwards”,”status”:”ACTIVE”,”authors”:[],”Alttitle”:{“minfo”:””},”artag”:false,”artdate”:”2024-05-11 11:55:26″,”lastupd”:”2024-05-11 11:55:29″,”breadcrumbTags”:[“auto technology updates”,”National Technology Day”,”science and technology”,”mobility”,”autonomous driving”,”SDV trend”,”software technology”],”secinfo”:{“seolocation”:”newsletters/national-technology-day-special-upwards-and-onwards”}}” data-news_link=”https://auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/newsletters/national-technology-day-special-upwards-and-onwards/110028685″>

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