EXPO NEWS | Day 1: Interface highlights growing role of wireless and mini torque transducers in auto testing

Interface has been an annual participant in Automotive Testing Expo for many years. According to the company’s US sales director, Elliott Speidell, the show is a great opportunity to connect with the expanding vehicle test market.

“This year, our goals are to meet with several key customers about new automotive-focused product lines, including our calibration grade equipment, multi-axis sensors, wireless telemetry systems and our AxialTQ rotary torque transducer, plus provide interactive demonstrations. This includes a robotic arm using Interface 6-Axis Multi-Axis Sensors, wheel, testing, RPM tests and load-cell live tests.”

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Speidell noted that based on current requests for Interface’s products, the industry is experiencing a high upsurge in the use of torque transducers. This demand is related to test requirements for various components in electric vehicles. Specifically, EVs are using torque measurement in testing the performance of electric motors and powertrains. Analysis of ADAS performance is another growing use case requiring cutting-edge torque transducers. Interface’s torque transducers are also being used in experiential automotive technologies such as fully autonomous and driver-assisted vehicle innovations.

“Specific products Interface is supplying for these types of testing programs include high-accuracy reaction and rotary torque transducer technologies,” Speidell elaborated. “This includes smaller, lightweight torque transducers to make integration into test machines, production lines and vehicles easier. Our expansion of Interface Mini Torque Transducers is helping with this requirement. We also provide wireless torque transducers, like our AxialTQ.”

You will find Interface at Booth 6036.

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