Qualcomm, the leading mobile technology innovator, announced its new S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 sound platforms at its recent Snapdragon Summit. Qualcomm outlined the highlights of the latest technology, which includes an “unparalleled level of on-device AI” with more advanced and personalized audio.
The S7 and S7 Pro sound platforms provide five times the computing power and almost 100 times the AI power of Qualcomm’s previous generation of audio platforms. The new platforms also provide ultra-low levels of power consumption.
The S7 Pro sound platform is the first audio technology to support Qualcomm’s Expanded Personal Area Network Technology (XPAN) and micro-power Wi-Fi connectivity. The advantage of this technology is an extended wireless range and support for lossless audio up to 192kHz.
The new technology has been designed for high-performance earbuds, headphones and wireless speakers. Qualcomm claims S7 and S7 Pro are the company’s most advanced audio platforms ever.
The S7 platform offers high-performance audio and low power consumption, enabling earbuds to sound clearer and work for longer between charges. The technology also features onboard AI and advanced connectivity that Qualcomm claims will be a game-changer for audio innovation, delivering even better user experiences.
Qualcomm’s S7 Pro platform also introduces micro-power Wi-Fi technology, which can extend the wireless range of earbuds and headphones beyond the confines of regular Bluetooth by using Wi-Fi technology. With Micro-Power Wi-Fi, headphones and earbuds can continue to be used beyond the 10m limit of conventional Bluetooth signals.
When the user moves beyond Bluetooth’s limited range, a pair of earbuds or headphones that use Qualcomm’s S7 Pro chipset can switch over to using Wi-Fi, enabling the wearer to walk around their home, building or campus and still be connected wirelessly to the music or a phone call.
Dino Bekis is vice president and general manager of Wearables and Mixed Signals Solutions at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. He commented: “These platforms set a new benchmark for high-performance sound at ultra-low power. They are packed with premium technologies that work together with on-device AI to deliver immersive and personalized audio experiences wherever you go – whether in a meeting, socializing, gaming, listening to music or just needing some quiet time.
“The S7 Pro Platform with our micro-power Wi-Fi and revolutionary Qualcomm XPAN technology further transforms the sound experience by enabling whole home and building audio coverage, support for up to 192kHz multi-channel lossless music streaming and enhanced multi-channel spatial audio for gaming.”
Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Sound Technology will be featured in the company’s latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 mobile platform and Snapdragon X Elite, when paired with compatible S7 or S7 Pro earbuds, headphones or speakers. With S7 Pro, consumers can listen to music beyond the physical confines of a smartphone’s Bluetooth range.
According to Qualcomm’s latest State of Sound Report, 73% of consumers surveyed rated premium audio quality as important. Respondents also said they expected to experience improved sound quality each time they upgraded their smartphones. Demand for high-quality audio is also at an all-time high; 69% of respondents listed lossless audio quality as a prerequisite for their next pair of wireless earbuds.
The announcement of these two new sound platforms is a significant development for Qualcomm. However, it’s doubtful that Apple will adopt the latest technology. At the moment, Apple is stuck with the mid-resolution AAC codec. The company has refused to adopt higher-resolution and lossless audio codecs like aptX Adaptive or LDAC.
The S7 and S7 Pro sound platforms will likely be adopted on high-end Android smartphones, along with some earbud manufacturers that will license the technology. However, unless there is a widespread uptake in the market, the new technologies may remain on the fringe despite offering exciting breakthroughs in range, power consumption and audio resolution.
More info: You can learn more about the S7 Pro and S7 platforms by visiting Qualcomm’s website. More information from Qualcomm’s “State of Sound Report” can be found here.