Kitchen Nightmares: Gordon Ramsay’s time at The Juicy Box saved their Yelp reviews 

Published: 2023-10-24T19:11:08

  ❘   Updated: 2023-10-24T19:11:17

Yelp is a popular site for customers to write reviews and share opinions about businesses. The Juicy Box has seen an influx of loving comments ever since filming Kitchen Nightmares.

When Gordon Ramsay arrives on the scene to make changes inside restaurants, it’s up to each restaurant owner to take or leave his advice.

When they do take it, they usually benefit greatly. When they don’t take it, their establishments don’t always stand the test of time. There’s a reason so many restaurants that have been featured on Kitchen Nightmares are no longer functioning today.

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The Juicy Box is a restaurant that was recently featured, and it seems to be doing better than ever after being graced with Gordon’s presence. In fact, some of the Yelp reviews have been incredibly positive since the episode was filmed.

The Juicy Box’s Yelp reviews are full of love

According to Kitchen Nightmares Updates, Gordon and the rest of his film crew visited The Juicy Box in June 2023. Although they filmed the episode back then, it didn’t air on Fox until October 23, 2023.

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Between then and now, the reviews on Yelp have seen some significant positivity. One person left a five-star rating with a message that said, “Great vibes, live music, and top-tier menu. The owner is very personable and inviting.”

Another person added, “From the time you enter The Juicy Box, they make you feel so welcomed. They have amazing food, music, and drinks. Try everything on the menu, you won’t be disappointed.”

A third person chimed in to say, “TJB is a cute corner spot that feels good as soon as you walk in. The waitress greets you and makes sure to follow up with you. My table was very pleased with the drinks and our service. looking forward to returning!”

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There are, of course, still a couple of negative reviews from unhappy customers. That’s to be expected at any place of business, though.

The changes Gordon made, seem to have only benefited this restaurant. The Juicy Box isn’t the only restaurant to take Gordon’s advice in order to continue thriving.

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