These are independent reviews of the products mentioned, but TIME receives a commission when purchases are made through affiliate links at no additional cost to the purchaser.
“When it comes to new televisions in the home, today’s consumers are more design-conscious—they don’t want to see wires,” says David Park, director of customer value enablement at LG. The massive LG Signature OLED M 97-inch television has just one cable, for power, and no inputs or outputs like other TVs. The electronics company moved all the cords for peripheral devices (Blu-Ray players, Apple TVs, etc.) that would otherwise dangle from the back of a set into its TV Zero Connect Box. Using proprietary tech, that box wirelessly transmits high-quality audio and video signals (Dolby and 4K, for example) to the screen up to 30 feet away.
Buy Now: LG Signature OLED M 97-Inch Television on Amazon
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