Automotive Technologies Virtual Conference

Thu, Jun. 20, 2024 · 9:00 am (PDT)

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June 20th – 9am PT / 12pm ET
Automotive HSMs (Hardware Security Modules) dramatically improve the security of cryptographic keys and cryptographic processing by isolating signature verification and cryptographic execution, which are the core of security, into physically independent processors. Automotive HSMs are mandatory or strongly recommended for ECU’s that require robust security. In this session, we’ll discuss how wolfSSL has ported our popular, well tested, and industry leading cryptographic library to run in popular Automotive HSMs like Aurix Tricore TC3XX.

wolfHSM provides a portable and open-source abstraction to hardware cryptography, non-volatile memory, and isolated secure processing that maximizes security and performance for ECUs. By integrating the wolfCrypt software crypto engine on hardware HSM’s like Infineon Aurix Tricore TC3XX, Chinese mandated government algorithms like SM2, SM3, SM4 are available. Additionally, Post Quantum Cryptography algos like Kyber, LMS, XMSS and others are easily made available to automotive users to meet customer requirements. At the same time, when hardware cryptographic processing is available on the HSM, we consume it to enhance performance.

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