Korean Beauty Tips To Achieve Glass Skin Naturally At Home

Korean Beauty Secrets For Glass Skin

Korean Beauty Secrets For Glass Skin

Korean Glass Skin: Ask a skincare girlie and she’ll tell you the dominance of Korean beauty in the skincare market. Gone are the days of basic CTM (Cleanser, Toner and Moisturiser), as the multi-step Korean skincare has taken over the space and how. And the biggest allure of them all is the Korean glass glow. It refers to the glass-like skin texture of the Koreans. The market is oozing with a range of Korean beauty products but most of the items would burn a hole in your pocket. But no need to fret, as we have brought some natural ways you can achieve the Korean glass skin right at your home.

Since the Korean regimen has been on the rise for some time now, the traditional methods for healthy, glowing, and spotless skin have now taken a backseat. Korean products leave behind flawless skin with an extensive skincare routine.

Tips to Acheive Korean Glass Skin Naturally At Home

Sugar Exfoliation

This sweetener can not only make your dishes delicious but also your skin appealing. For soft baby-like skin, sugar scrubs can be paired with many other ingredients like lemon, oatmeal, green tea, turmeric and many more. For a sugar scrub, add ½ tablespoon sugar and coconut oil each. Apply it gently and remove it after 10 minutes. This remedy will moisturise your skin and remove the dead cells from the skin.

Aloe Vera

With dust and pollution all around, your skin gets ready for another wash right after you step out. So, what’s the catch? Try this amazing aloe vera mask for glowing skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera can provide a soothing and cooling effect on your face. Start by scraping the interior gel of the aloe vera, combine it with a vitamin E capsule and apply a rich layer to your face. Wash your face with cold water and get glowing skin in a few minutes.

Rice Face Mask

From glowing skin to improved skin texture, Rice Mask is an amazing treatment to get glass skin at home. Start by grinding rice into a fine powder, for a refreshing face mask, take 2 tablespoons of rice powder and 3 tablespoons of cold milk. Give it a good mix and apply it to your face. Gently glide your fingers in circular motions and Ta-Da! Your summer fresh skin is ready! This remedy will not only exfoliate your skin but also provide essential nutrients.

Korean Glass Skin
At Home Skincare (Freepik)


To replenish the lost glow and hydration to your face, you can use an avocado face mask which can be used once a week. In a food processor, combine honey, avocado and apple cider vinegar and apply a thin layer to the skin. Rinse your face with cold water and moisturise instantly. Get a clear skin at home with these easy steps.

Besan and Curd Mask

This traditional face mask is the powerhouse of health benefits. From eliminating acne to rejuvenating dull skin, besan and curd face masks work the best. You can make this easy face mask by mixing gram flour with curd and turmeric. Make a smooth paste and apply it to your face. You can use this face mask once a week and regular usage can provide immense skin benefits.

Pro-Tip: Don’t forget to have a proper sleep schedule and maintain a healthy diet for clear skin. Use these face masks alternatively and attain glass skin at home.

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