The Shri Marwadi Rajasthan Shikshan Sanstha celebrated the birthday of over 5,000 trees that were planted on their barren land in Latur five years ago. Celebrated annually, this event takes place near the Sanstha’s Raja Narayanlal Lahoti English School, with the aim of sensitising students and the wider community to the growing threat posed to the environment by pollution.
The initiative was spearheaded by the organisation’s secretary Ashish Bajpai, and includes the planting of 2,800 saplings using the Japanese Miyawaki method, an afforestation technique used to create dense and fast-growing groves of trees. In order to foster a culture of environmental friendship and conservation within its organisation, the organisation has encouraged students and staff from their schools to tend to the trees. They claim that the foliage and green cover provided by this initiative has attracted many species of birds.
Present at the event were environmentalist Milind Giridhari, the organisation’s trustee president, Laxmiraman Lahoti, secretary Ashish Bajpai, and other members. Celebrations included a cake-cutting and prize-giving ceremony, where local environmental activists and social organisations, were felicitated with trophies and certificates.