501 Entertainment releases new package for darts systems


501 Entertainment has unveiled its latest package for its darts systems, Social Replay.

This product contains a camera that captures and replays moments throughout the gameplay. A personalised Social Replay Story is then sent directly to guests’ phones after the session.

With the Social Replay Package, players can share their best shots, near misses and exciting moments with friends and followers on social media. The package not only enhances player engagement but also serves as a powerful promotional tool for venues, providing them with dynamic, shareable content that can attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back. Another feature of the Social Replay Package is its customisation options. Venues can fully integrate their brand into the replay content, ensuring that every shared moment carries their unique branding.

Dan Wilson, chief technology officer at 501 Fun, spoke about the new system: “For us, the Social Replay Package represents a significant leap forward in player engagement and venue promotion, By combining high-quality action replay with personalised storytelling, we’re offering an interactive way for players to connect with the game and share their experiences, while also providing venues with a powerful tool to enhance their brand visibility.”


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