Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA) across orbits

A visual summary of the 44 papers in the SOMA package is also available as a PDF version. All papers can be accessed in the collection page.

Key laboratories and scientific leads for the SOMA resources

Chris Mason, Weill Cornell Medicine, Mason Lab

Afshin Beheshti, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science at NASA Ames Research Center, Beheshti Lab

Mathias Basner, University of Pennsylvannia, Basner Lab

Eliah G. Overbey, The University of Austin, Overbey Lab

Cem Meydan, Weill Cornell Medicine, Meydan Lab

Masafumi Muratani, University of Tsukuba/JAXA, Muratani Lab

Susan Bailey, Colorado State University, Bailey Lab

Eric Bershad, Baylor College of Medicine, Center for Space Medicine

Joseph Borg, University of Malta, Borg Lab

Sylvain Costes, NASA Ames Research Center, Costes Lab and NASA OSDR: Open Science for Life in Space

David Furman, The Buck Institute, Furman Lab; Stanford University, 1000 Immunomes Project

Stefania Giacomello, SciLifeLab, Giacomello Lab

Christopher Jones, University of Pennsylvannia, Jones Lab

Jaime Mateus, SpaceX

Begum Mathyk, University of South Florida, Begum Lab

Amber Paul, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Paul Lab

Ashot Sargsyan, KBR, Inc., Sargsyan Lab

Jonathan Schisler, University of North Carolina, Schisler Lab

Michael Schmidt, Sovaris Aerospace

Mark Shelhamer, Johns Hopkins University, Human Spaceflight Lab

Keith Siew, University College London, Siew Lab

Scott Smith, Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory, Smith Lab

Emmanuel Urquieta, University of Central Florida, Urquieta Lab

Stephen (Ben) Walsh, University College London, Walsh Lab

Dan Winer, The Buck Institute, Winer Lab

Fredric Zenhausern, University of Arizona, Zenhausern Lab

Sara Zwart, Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory, Johnson Space Center

NASA Artificial Intelligence for Life in Space (AI4LS) Working Group, Sylvain V. Costes, Lauren M. Sanders

NASA GeneLab Sample Processing Lab, Valery Boyko

NASA Open Science Data Repository, Sylvain V. Costes, Samrawit G. Gebre, Danielle K. Lopez, Lauren M. Sanders, Ryan T. Scott, Amanda M. Saravia-Butler, San-huei Lai Polo, Rachel Gilbert


Thanks to funding, logistical, and mission support from NASA/TRISH, JAXA, ESA, WorldQuant, and SpaceX, as well as thanks to the crews, their families, and all mission support staff and teams. Thanks to all OSDR Analysis Working Group members.

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