Sharjah24: Stemming from its keenness to participate in various scientific conferences at the regional and global level and publish academic research across diverse fields, the University of Sharjah (UoS) participated in the 8th Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics, that was organized by the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics in Cairo, Egypt.
During the conference, Prof. Mashhoor Al-Wardat, Professor of Astrophysics, UoS, and Director of Academic Affairs, SAASST, delivered a specialized scientific lecture under the title “Al-Wardat’s Method, a computational method to unveil the mystery of close visual binary and multiple stellar systems”.
On behalf of His Excellency Prof. Hamid M.K. Al Naimiy, Chancellor of the University of Sharjah and President of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS), Prof. Mashhoor Al-Wardat delivered the union speech as one of the keynote speakers during the opening session of the conference. He highlighted the significant role of AUASS affiliated with the League of Arab States, stressing that it serves as an umbrella for joint work in the realms of space and astronomy, supporting specialized institutes, astronomical societies, and experts. Moreover, Prof. Al-Wardat underscored UoS and SAASST’s dedication to advancing the field of astronomy and space sciences, through organizing various specialized conferences and workshops aimed at enhancing knowledge in all aspects of space sciences that serve the local society.