Rajasthan: Retired Forest Officer Proposes Innovative Tree Guard Reuse for Environmental Conservation and Livelihood Opportunities

Laiq Ali Khan points out that over the past 15-20 years, thousands of tree guards have been distributed and installed by UIT, the Municipal Corporation, and various institutions in different colonies, parks, complexes, and roadsides in the city.

With minimal care and watering for the first two to three years, the survival rate of saplings enclosed by iron tree guards can be around 90%, which is considered a significant achievement. After reaching a safe height in three to five years, healthy saplings, suitable for the local soil and climate, no longer require the protection of tree guards.

According to Khan, more than 95% of tree guards installed with the plantations remain in place for years. Over 20-25 years, these guards either break due to the increased girth of the tree trunk or deteriorate due to weather conditions.

Demonstrating foresight in environmental conservation, if old tree guards are carefully removed, repaired, and repainted, they can be reused, exemplifying an excellent practice of resource reuse. Within the Udaipur city limits, 5,000 to 10,000 such tree guards can be recovered and reused.

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