Mitchell 1 Names 2024 Automotive Technology Outstanding Student

Mitchell 1’s annual Automotive Technology Outstanding Student scholarship has been awarded to Ty Rockney of Chesapeake, Virginia, according to a recent press release.

Distributed through the University of the Aftermarket Foundation, the award includes a $2,500 scholarship along with a paid trip to the upcoming North American Council of Automotive Teachers conference. 

To be eligible, students must be nominated by a NACAT instructor, maintain a minimum overall 3.0 GPA, are or will be enrolled in an accredited college or university, and must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen.

Rockney first discovered his passion for auto repair in December 2020 upon receiving a 1997 Dodge Ram 1500. As he began researching on how to work on the vehicle by himself, he began to see a career path for himself. He was further inspired by his great uncle, who’s been a technician since the 1970s.

Now, Rockney is a student in the automotive technology program at the Advanced Technology Institute in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and is set to graduate in January 2026. He has plans to pursue a career as an automotive service technician, and to potentially become an instructor or shop owner one day.

The award was presented to Rockney at the NACAT awards luncheon on July 24 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

“We are proud to recognize Ty Rockney as the 2024 Mitchell 1 Automotive Technology Outstanding Student for his dedication to pursuing a career in the auto care industry,” said Nick DiVerde, senior director of product management for Mitchell 1. “We have full confidence that he will accomplish his goals and thrive in his career path.”

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