Don’t Know What to Read Next? This Comprehensive Book Map Can Help

Half the battle of nurturing a reading habit is figuring out which book to read next. Whether you prefer fiction or nonfiction, classic literature or new releases, the diversity of titles to choose from can be daunting. If you’re desperate for book recommendations, TheLibraryMap is the perfect starting point.

TheLibraryMap is an online tool that organizes 100,000 book titles in a way that’s visually pleasing and easy to navigate. Each bubble on the map represents a different book, with the size of the bubble reflecting the number of user reviews. Genres and topics are color-coded, and similar titles are clustered in close proximity to one another. If you read and enjoyed Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, for example, you can browse that area of the map for books you possibly would find next to it on the shelf of a bookstore. The Secrets We Keep by Kate Hewitt and All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood are a couple of the related titles that it recommends. 

If you already have a specific read in mind and are looking for similar recommendations, inputting the name into the search bar at the top of the page brings you straight to it. You can also create an account to add any books that catch your interest to a virtual “to be read” pile on the website. Explore the comprehensive database for yourself here.

Between self-published and commercially published works, millions of new books are released each year. When navigating the wide world of literature, it helps to have a resource you can trust. Here are some books recommended by the Mental Floss team.

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