Elizabeth Lewis, Chair
Managing Director and Head of ESG, Blackstone
Washington, DC
Roger Ballentine, Nominating and Governance Committee Co-chair
President, Green Strategies Inc.
Bethesda, MD
Amy Boebel, Trustee Legacy Ambassador
Baltimore, MD
Pier LaFarge, Nominating and Governance Committee Co-chair
Co-founder and CEO, Sparkfund
Washington, DC
Board Members
George Ashton
CEO, Candide Group
Rockville, MD
Walter Boynton, Ph.D., Trustee Emeritus
Estuarine Ecologist
Prince Frederick, MD
Mark Collins, Trustee Emeritus
Partner, Brown & Advisory Trust
Baltimore, MD
Josie Gabel
Executive Director, Gatinais Foundation
Bethesda, MD
Leigh-Golding DeSantis
Executive Director, Sustainability Products and Solutions, Johnson Controls
Mount Rainier, MD
Jeff Eckel
Chairman, Hannon Armstrong
Annapolis, MD
Barbara Franklin, Trustee Emerita
Owner, Pine Island Designs
Washington, DC
Alisha Griffey
Founder and CEO, Daintree Capital
Chevy Chase, MD
Annie Huber
Community Volunteer
Reisterstown, MD
Terry Hyman
Managing Partner, Northwood Healthcare Partners
Washington, DC
Karl Khoury
Co-Founder, Arborview Capital
Washington, DC
Esko Korhonen
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Federal Capital Partners
Bethesda, MD
Tom Monahan
CEO, Heidrick & Struggles
Managing Partner, Norton Street Holdings
Chevy Chase, MD
Andres Naím
Co-founder and CEO, Naím Media Group
Washington, DC
Kirsten Quigley
Founder and CEO, Lunchskins
Bethesda, MD
Pamela Smith
Former U.S. Ambassador
Washington, DC
Crystal Romeo Upperman, Ph.D., MPA
Senior Manager, Government and Public Service, Deloitte
Washington, DC