‘Tastiest’ chicken recipe uses ‘restaurant tips’ and unusual cooking technique

An up-and-coming chef has caused a stir on X by sharing a restaurant trick for the “tastiest chicken ever.”

Dr Ndi MuVenda became an overnight sensation on the platform after posting a video showcasing his cooking prowess, which quickly racked up a whopping 10 million views in 24 hours. The food whizz started by sticking dozens of toothpicks into the raw chicken before dunking it in a pan with vegetable oil halfway up.

“Next, fry for one minute on each side,” he instructed. Once the toothpicks were out, Dr MuVenda advised: “Add two tablespoons of white vinegar, one teaspoon of salt and brush this mixture all over the chicken.”

He then mixed together 50ml of soy sauce with a teaspoon each of chilli flakes, oregano, garlic powder, and sweet paprika, slathering the concoction onto the chicken. “Add three medium potatoes cut into small pieces,” he continued.

To top off the dish, Dr MuVenda suggested tossing in 200g of cherry tomatoes, one onion sliced into strips, a courgette also stripped, along with diced green and red peppers. He seasoned everything with teaspoons of salt, black pepper, and sweet paprika to create the ultimate feast.

Wrapping up his culinary tutorial, Dr MuVenda closed: “One teaspoon of fine herbs – add a generous drizzle of olive oil and take to a pre-heated oven of 350 degrees (175C) and roast for one hour.”

Since sharing his unique chicken recipe, the X community has been split in its opinions. One excited user exclaimed, however: “I can’t wait to try this and put my own twist on it.” Another expressed some doubts, adding: “I don’t understand the purpose of deep frying for 1 minute on each side when hardly any mallard reaction took place,” but conceded, “But everything else looks pretty good especially the sauce.”

In awe, a third user enthused: “Wow! This definitely looks unique too.” Contrastingly, there were those who didn’t approve of the culinary trick, as one critic pointed out, “AVOID vegetable oil frying at beginning,” going on to say, “Rest is fine, but chicken will definitely need little more time.”

Another user posed a question over the cooking approach questioned, “What are you wasting all those toothpicks for? What does that even do? Gonna be dry as hell. You know how much oil costs these days? Famous restaurant my a**.”

Many others couldn’t resist likening the appearance of the dish to a sci-fi horror movie icon, meanwhile, joking that the chicken resembled Pinhead from the British horror classic, Hellraiser.

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