6 Tips for Healthy Eating When You Have Depression

For people with depression, fueling their body with high-quality nutrition can literally help change their life for the better, according to a slew of studies.

Not surprisingly, research shows people who consistently eat healthy foods by, say, following the Mediterranean diet (which is centered on plant-based foods, olive oil, and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids from fish) often have better mental health than people whose diet is centered on red meat and processed foods high in saturated fats, sodium, and added sugars.

But nourishing your body when you have depression can be easier said than done, especially if your mood or energy is low to prepare even one meal, or if you don’t have an appetite at all. When you’re struggling with depression, it’s not uncommon to have no initiative to shop for food, prepare a meal, or clean up afterward, says Amy Gorin, a plant-based registered dietitian nutritionist in Stamford, Connecticut.

“Some of the primary symptoms of depression — loss of motivation, poor concentration, difficulty sleeping, and low energy — can often result in someone not properly taking care of themselves in ways such as not showering, engaging in exercise, planning balanced meals, or cooking,” says Leigh Merotto, a registered dietitian in private practice in Toronto.

The opposite can also be true, Merotto adds. Depression can cause people to eat more than usual to soothe their symptoms. Often that means reaching for calorie-dense, highly processed junk foods, sweets, and fried foods. And because those foods are pro-inflammatory and lack high-quality nutrients, they can worsen depressive symptoms, research shows.

With that in mind, how can you eat a nutrient-rich diet when your mental and physical energy is low? Here are six expert-recommended strategies.

1. Try Grocery Delivery if You Don’t Feel Up to Shopping

The quality of your food matters. So if you’re unable to pick up the fruits, vegetables, nuts, and lean fish and poultry that might help improve your mood, the added delivery fees that grocery delivery services charge can be a good investment.

“It may seem like a luxury to press a button and have groceries appear on your doorstep, but using a grocery delivery service removes many barriers to obtaining healthy foods,” Gorin says. Plus, some services come with a bonus: You can restock your cart with past purchases to make the process even quicker and easier.

2. Eat Your Meals With Loved Ones — in Person or Virtually

“If possible, try to eat meals with others, as this has been shown to help support decreased stress and more mindful eating at mealtimes,” Merotto says. If you can’t eat together with others at home because you live alone, for instance, have a Zoom call with a friend or family member at mealtimes.

In some cases, eating meals with others may even help prevent depression. A study of more than 14,000 Korean adults showed that people who don’t have as many opportunities to eat with others have a greater risk for depression and suicidal thoughts or actions.

3. Keep Your Pantry Stocked With Nutritious Staples

Having a generous supply of long-lasting, nutritious foods in your cupboard, refrigerator, and freezer helps ensure that you’ll always be able to quickly pull together a good-for-you meal. Gorin’s checklist of pantry essentials below is a good place to start.

  • Shelf-Stable Soup If you have low-sodium canned or boxed vegetable, lentil, or bone broth soups on hand, you can prepare a healthy meal in minutes, she says.
  • Canned Beans They are chock-full of protein and fiber, a winning combination that helps you feel fuller for longer. “Aim to keep several cans of no-salt-added canned beans on hand,” Gorin says. “Then rinse and drain them and add them to anything from a salad to a grain bowl.”
  • Nuts and Nut Butters “I love keeping nuts on hand, as they can be easily added to anything from a salad to a Greek yogurt bowl,” Gorin says. “Pistachios, for example, offer a trio of plant protein, fiber, and better-for-you fats. They’re also one of the highest-protein snack nuts out there.”
  • Spices Low-salt or salt-free seasonings and spices can add a lot of flavor while taking up very little storage space in your pantry, says Gorin. “For example, you could add cinnamon to oatmeal or coffee, or sprinkle oregano, basil, and rosemary on roasted veggies.”

4. Prepare a List of Super-Easy Meals to Get You Through the Toughest Days

A depressive episode can quickly zap your energy and impede your ability to cook, says Merotto. Plan ahead with a list of nutritious, minimal-effort meals to turn to when cooking feels too overwhelming. Her suggestions:

  • Avocado and egg on whole-grain toast
  • Canned tuna with rice (and if you’re feeling up to it, sautéed veggies)
  • Greek yogurt, a handful of salt-free nuts, and frozen fruit of your choice
  • Whole-grain toast with natural peanut butter and a chopped banana
  • Scrambled eggs with frozen mixed vegetables on a whole-grain wrap
  • Oatmeal with protein powder, natural nut butter, and frozen fruit
  • Smoothies containing frozen fruits, leafy greens, and Greek yogurt

5. Benefit by Eating at the Same Times Each Day

Sticking to a set meal schedule can help you stay nourished even amid a depressive episode, Merotto explains. It also can reduce stress, since the decision of when to eat has already been made.

Plus, compared to eating whenever you feel like it, a consistent schedule helps you maintain a balanced diet in the long run.

The optimal schedule, Merotto says, is to eat every three to four hours each day. A sample meal schedule could look like this:

  • Breakfast: 9 a.m. or 10 a.m.
  • Lunch: noon or 1 p.m.
  • Snack: 3 p.m. or 4 p.m.
  • Dinner: 6 p.m. or 7 p.m.

6. Order Nutritious Takeout on Days You Just Can’t Deal

If it’s one of those days when you don’t have the motivation to even look at the kitchen, go right ahead and order takeout. Try to limit foods high in saturated fats and sodium more often than not, Gorin suggests.

“You might think that takeout has to be food like pizza and pasta, but you can order healthier takeout, too,” she says. “For instance, many Italian restaurants serve grilled salmon with veggies, or you can order a Greek salad from a local Mediterranean restaurant or diner.”

In fact, experts at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics view ordering takeout as a great opportunity to up your nutrition game. The keys:

  • In the mood for a sandwich? Choose lean meats like chicken, turkey, or lean beef on whole-grain bread, then add tomatoes and vegetables such as lettuce and peppers. Go easy on the cheese and mayo; try mustard, ketchup, or salsa for extra flavor instead.
  • When it comes to sides, opt for fruit, a small salad, or a baked potato, which has more nutrients and fiber and less fat than chips or fries.
  • Ordering pizza? Top it with veggies. And if you’d like a meat topping, make it chicken, shrimp, lean ham, or Canadian bacon.
  • Stop by the deli at the grocery store for a quick, nourishing meal of rotisserie chicken. Add a bagged, prewashed salad and have fresh fruit for dessert — and you’re done.

That said, it’s okay to practice balance when it comes to ordering takeout and other aspects of your diet. When done in moderation, eating fast food, desserts, and other treats on some days can be part of a normalized intuitive eating regimen.

The Takeaway

While eating a nutritious diet can’t cure depression, it can help people with the condition feel better, research shows. But symptoms like low mood, fatigue, and lack of energy can sometimes get in the way of healthy eating and meal prep. When that happens, strategies like relying on grocery delivery services, keeping your pantry filled with nutritious shelf-stable options, and keeping a list of quick and easy nutritious meals can help.

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