City council passes ordinance banning home-based entertainment rentals in El Paso


El Pasoans will no longer be allowed to rent out portions of their homes as entertainment venues.

El Paso City Council on Tuesday unanimously passed an ordinance prohibiting residents from renting out a portion of their home as an “entertainment venue.”

Unlike a short-term rental in which people rent out their home, or a room in their home, for lodging, the new ordinance bans residents from making their backyard, pool or other areas available for parties — a practice common on platforms such as Facebook Marketplace.

The El Paso Short Term Rental Alliance supported the ordinance, with President Heidy Seoenz telling KFOX14/CBS4, “This is specifically for those people that are renting out their houses like a venue where you have a party in the morning, you have a party in the afternoon, you have a party at night. That’s exactly the problem that we are trying to solve. They are being allowed to throw parties Thursday, Friday Saturday without any consequences of what it’s actually doing to the neighborhoods.”

Meanwhile, residents who spoke to KFOX14/CBS4 called the ban “stupid” and unenforceable.

“To me any rules that dictate how many people can come into my house are stupid. It’s my house I could do what I want. I think it’s something like this is impossible to enforce,” said Corey Booker.

According to the city council agenda, the proposed ordinance will address “neighborhood disruption, zoning compliance and public safety.

RELATED:El Paso considers ban on using homes as party venues, city council to discuss

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