Class to explore centuries-old art of barn star painting

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LEWISBURG, W.Va. – Teaching artist Jane DeGroot will teach Painted Barn Stars at Carnegie Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 12, and Thursday, Nov. 14, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

In this class, participants will select a five-, six-, or eight-pointed star or rosette pattern from seven Instructor-provided design options. The design will then be painted with acrylic paints on a 15-inch-diameter wooden round. Use of circle tools and protractor will add a high degree of precision to the designs. Participants can bring their own paints or choose from a limited selection of colors available in class. Wooden rounds, brushes and tools will be provided. Students should expect to spend six to eight hours to complete this piece. 

Barn stars originated with early Dutch and German settlers who used them to ward off evil and bring good luck to farmers. The stars carry a variety of meanings, including protection, prosperity, and good luck. 

To register or for a complete list of classes and workshops visit or pick up a Classes & Workshops brochure at 611 Church St., Lewisburg.

Carnegie Hall is a nonprofit organization supported by individual contributions, grants and fundraising efforts such as TOOT and The Carnegie Hall Gala. The Hall is located at 611 Church St., Lewisburg. For more information, call 304-645-7917 or visit

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