12 Helpful Tips If You’re Only Cooking For One Person

Whether you’re cooking for one or for a large family, the sentiment of planning your meals before grocery shopping is extremely important. As much as you might think you’ll remember every ingredient in your new recipe or the pantry staples you’ve run out of — and that you won’t add unnecessary items to your cart as you peruse the aisles — going shopping without a list is just unrealistic. This holds especially true, though, when you’re cooking for one person.

When planning out your meals and grocery list ahead of time, you’ll make sure you’re only bringing home items you will actually use and eat. Since limiting food waste and maintaining a budget can be a huge priority when cooking for yourself, this one step alone can help you make sure you’re staying on track. This step doesn’t mean you need to skimp at the store, though. You can still tackle a new recipe or make a more involved meal, but knowing exactly what you need will keep you organized.

Some items, like lettuce or a package of protein, can make it hard to portion for one. In these instances, plan meals with overlapping ingredients, so you don’t end up with leftovers that will eventually go bad. For instance, if you like to cycle between a couple of chicken and beef dishes, try making all chicken dishes one week and then beef the next. You’ll eat all of your food without buying too much at once.

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