Gabrielle Union Addressed The Cosmetic Surgery Accusations, Revealing How She’s Cheated With Aging

Gabrielle Union Addressed Facelift Accusations

Gabrielle Union is setting the record straight about those cosmetic surgery rumors about her face.

Unfortunately, one of the things that comes with being a celebrity is an abundance of unprovoked stories and headlines about them. Well, The Perfect Find star sat down with People to set the record straight.

While she’s often met with comments like “Black don’t crack” and vampire allegations

…others have speculated if her “timeless” beauty was due to a little help from the doctor. But Gabrielle revealed something that has helped fuel those rumors: her hair.

“A high pony for a lady of a certain age is like a facelift,” Gabrielle told People.

“As much as what happens or doesn’t happen with my face is speculated, if you can’t be missing for six months to get a facelift — which I’ve never been missing for six months, get it right — the high pony is going to snatch you here,” she added, referencing the top of her head.

The positioning of the hairstyle matters. She went on to say a ponytail directly in the back of your head will pull your facial features back in the middle, while a “low pony” will help you with your “neck” area.

“A high snatched pony is all you need — [and it] don’t cost you a thing,” she said.

The magic of a hairdo! Do you have any tried and true beauty hacks? Tell me about them in the comments.

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