12 Tips To Make Cutting Hard-Boiled Eggs Much Easier

An electric pressure cooker has become a staple kitchen appliance, and using it to cook eggs is one of the most popular uses. While a lot of pressure cooker egg content covers the best way to cook hard-boiled eggs in the shell, you can make things even easier than that.

The base of the hack involves cooking eggs as one large “cake.” Using a small pan that fits inside the pressure cooker, crack as many eggs as desired right into the pan, seal the pressure cooker, and set the timer. Once the time is up and the pressure released, the eggs will have cooked into one solid piece, ready to be turned onto a cutting board and chopped up to whatever size is needed.

This method makes cutting hard-boiled eggs easier in two ways. The first is that it skips a lot of the prep work. There is no need to worry about peeling all those shells only to be left with a pile of slippery ovals. Second, the eggs will be uniformly cooked. All the whites and yolks will have similar doneness and, therefore, the same texture. There is no need to worry that one egg will be chalky and crumbly and the other jammy and sticky, leaving a mess in either scenario.

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