Diplo Used ‘LSD’ to Finish the LA Marathon

Diplo has said that he took LSD during the Los Angeles run, which hurt him afterward, but he still defends the use of the drug.

The DJ told The Hollywood Reporter, “I probably took half a tab of acid at the marathon, but it really motivated me because I was running at the fastest pace I’ve ever run.”

“You also have all these runners around you, so your energy’s there,” the music director said. “I was running a seven-minute mile for the first eight miles, which is crazy. I really paid for it at the end of the marathon. But that first two hours were a breeze, man. It was so fast. And maybe acid has a different effect on people, but for me, those first two hours, which is usually the scariest part of a marathon, just went by so quickly.”

The 44-year-old was also asked if, after taking acid, he saw “weird things” during the run.

“A little bit, but you’re sweating in your energy… You see some different colors. There weren’t giant lizards jumping out of the sky. It’s not like that. In small doses, it just gives you a fresher perspective. It’s like wearing glasses sometimes. These things are clear.”