Dear Annie: Support through recovery: finding the right balance

Dear Annie: I am a college student, and I just finished my finals for the fall semester and am now on winter break. Right toward the end of finals week, one of my professors had a medical emergency and had to miss our final day for surgery. My entire class sent her supportive emails, including me, but I find myself still worrying about her. She’s a wonderful professor and person, and she’s so passionate about the material she teaches. She’s everything I love in a professor, and just knowing that she’s suffering worries me.

I don’t know if I’d be overstepping boundaries to send her more emails letting her know I’m thinking of her, especially since she’ll be unable to look at a screen for at least a few weeks due to the nature of her surgery. What else can I do to show her support? Leave her alone? Should I send another email in another month or so when she’s recovered somewhat? Should I bring her a gift at the start of spring semester, since I have another class with her? I really want to do something, I just don’t know what. — Concerned (Overstepping?) Student

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