People Are Reacting To This “Cringe” Clip Of A Reporter Interviewing Dennis Quaid While He Was Frantically Evacuating His Home

Dennis was rushing to load his car when the reporter asked if they could quickly chat. “I’m gonna walk with you if that’s okay,” he began. “Tell me, what exactly is going on here?” 

Dennis stopped and explained that he was evacuating after worsening conditions near his house. “On Wednesday, [smoke] came within 150 yards of the house,” he said. “I got my wife and kids to the hotel and came back just in case to [make sure I] had cut off the gas and all those things you don’t think of.”

Dennis spoke to the reporter for a few more minutes before returning to loading his car. Only, the reporter continued to chat with Dennis, even making jokes as Dennis tried unsuccessfully to cram items into his car.

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