The Skinny on Supplements: Better Health Results in the New Year

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When some people think of supplements, they picture a salesperson selling unrealistic goals and dreams for the low price of $49.99 per bottle or jug of protein powder. Maybe they consider a podcast ad by a bodybuilder, selling memory enhancers and shakes, which may or may not work for everyone.

Zach Lowe, owner of 5 Star Nutrition in Muncie, said supplements are just there to do what the name suggests: supplement a person’s diet and fill in the gaps for healthy metabolism, hydration and otherwise keeping healthy.

“Let’s say you bought this slick, nice new Mercedes Benz,” he said. “Every week you’re hand-washing it and not taking it through the carwash. You’re taking care of the paint, cleaning the interior, keeping it smelling fresh and new. But you’re not changing the oil, you’re not keeping up with maintenance, you’re using the cheaper gas, and you’re not checking the breaks or replacing the tires when the tread is low.”

“You might be proud of how it looks or how it sounds, or the flashiness of the car, but you’re not going to have the car long and it won’t be reliable if you don’t take care of the insides first – if you’re not handling problems when they arise and just letting them go on too long,” he added. If we don’t take care of our inside first, then there’s almost no point of taking care of the outside. The goal should be to become healthier.”

5 Star Nutrition Options (photo by Chris Carroll)

To do this, he recommended stopping by the store for a free assessment, including a free scan using the InBody machine. The machine offers a noninvasive measurement of the user’s weight, and also body fat, muscle mass, hydration and visceral fat (fat around the organs). It also provides a breakdown of each of the user’s arms, legs and trunk.

The InBody scan is meant to provide a baseline. Lowe suggests clients come back at least every two to four weeks to check on their progress after setting goals with one of the store’s certified nutritionists – experts in sports nutrition and weight loss. Everyone on his staff is a nutritionist. Lowe has been certified in sports nutrition and weight-loss nutrition for almost 11 years – something he has been passionate about since he was a teen athlete.

He said coming in every few weeks also adds a level of accountability.

“If I know I have a check-in coming up, I might be more likely to skip the drive-through, or get up earlier to do a workout if I know I need to check in soon,” he said.

In addition to the InBody scan results, he said “we always start by looking at the person’s nutrition. What are they eating?”

Even if someone thinks they are getting the right amount of protein and getting micronutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables, there is almost always room for improvement.

While each person is unique in their needs, he said most customers will likely need at least one if not all three categories of supplements: electrolytes for hydration, protein for muscle mass, and superfoods that include micronutrients to fill in other gaps.

“Different electrolytes and other ingredients make sure we are optimally hydrated,” Lowe said. “We don’t need just water. If we consume a lot of water without electrolytes, that might be dehydrating.” He added that electrolytes should be used in conjunction with any workout routine, while explaining that one surprising benefit of being properly hydrated is a better night’s sleep.

“While I’m sometimes guilty of this, sometimes we forget to drink water throughout the day,” he said. “But if we drink water, not just in the morning and at night but all throughout the day, we’ll be better hydrated.”

What does this have to do with sleep?

Nutritional supplements (photo by Chris Caroll)

“If you wait until too late to drink water, you’ll have to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom,” Lowe said. “Or, if you don’t drink enough water throughout the day, you could wake up in the middle of the night because you’re thirsty. If we just drink water and if we make hydration a priority, that alone can directly help with sleep quality.”

He also encouraged not only the amount of hours one sleeps as a measurement of health, but the quality of that sleep. Removing excess lights, turning off electronics before bed and figuring out ways to de-stress are all ways to improve sleep hygiene.

As far as protein, Lowe said that while one could get it from eating enough chicken, lean red meat, fish or other sources, if someone is trying to get results by building muscle, they’ll likely need to increase their protein intake beyond a typical diet. Building muscle and maintaining a healthy level of protein is also a way to reduce fat in the long term, along with – you guessed it – drinking more water. According to the National Institutes of Health, muscles are about 79% water.

If you’re trying to lose body fat, you should think about building muscle, Lowe said, “because our muscles are the source of our metabolism. So if you want to maintain as much muscle as you can, you also need to stay hydrated. Muscles and metabolism don’t work without water. And there is a slew of problems if you don’t get enough water,” including issues with vital organs, considering the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs are about 83% water, and kidneys are about 79% water, according to the U.S. Geological Survey – not to mention that digestive health is affected by one’s hydration.

Finally, superfoods provide vitamins and minerals, usually from green and red vegetables, mushrooms, probiotics, and digestive enzymes, and these are typically missing in most people’s diets, Lowe said.

There might be some circumstances when a person needs medical intervention, Lowe added, and 5 Star has suggestions on where to get a blood screen or seek medical care.

“The majority of our customers are people who are looking for help and expertise in getting healthier,” he said. “There is so much information out there on the internet, some of it tells you that red meat is bad, and some will say red meat is the best for you. There is so much out there. We want to be the voice of reason and be a safe space to ask us as many questions as you want, and we’ll simplify it in terms of nutrition, training, tracking and supplements. Fitness and nutrition is simple. We make sure you understand it very clearly and get the recommendations and guidance that you need.”

“Our first goal is to help people,” he added. “If that means working on nutrition and not buying supplements, that’s what we’ll do. We’re not out to bring in tons of revenue. We want to give customers results.”

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