Teatro De Artes De Juan Seguin unveiling community art exhibit

Teatro De Artes De Juan Seguin is thrilled to announce the unveiling of the second of three traveling co-community art exhibits, made possible by a $50,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts under the Our Town program.

The public is invited to attend the unveiling of the second installment in the exhibit, “Roots of Resilience: The African American Experience in Seguin through Art and Legacy,” created by renowned National Endowment for the Arts artist Howard Crunk, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13 at the Texas Lutheran University Kraushaar Gallery, located at 517 Prexy Drive in Seguin. The installment will remain in the gallery until March 21.

Prior to the unveiling event, there will be a reception held at TLU’s Kraushaar Art Gallery from 5:30 to 6 p.m., followed by a Bramaya West African Dance, poetry reading and a Gospel choir compilation inside Wuppermann Little Theatre.

In collaboration with the city of Seguin, Seguin Public Library and Seguin Main Street, the Our Town community art project focuses on amplifying the voices and stories of Seguin’s communities of color, including African American, Mexican American/Tejano and Native American/Indigenous communities.

“Howard has captured the African American experience with every stroke of a brush, through stories he heard and through his own personal research of learning more about the community he has called home all his life,” said Dr. Yvonne De La Rosa, Teatro De Artes executive director. “Howard is a true Son of Seguin, Texas and no one else could have captured the stories that will be unveiled.”

A Seguin native, Crunk attended St. James Catholic School and graduated from Seguin High School. He went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts from Texas Lutheran University. Crunk has studied and worked under many great artists and mentors, including painter/sculptor Roger Betschler and famous wood sculptor Marika Carmel Bordes.

“I am humbled knowing that I am but a small bookmark in the story of time and know that I can leave my own personal impact along with those whom their stories guide the impact I leave,” Crunk shared. “ It gives me peace and I know it is to honor those that came before me.”

The NEA Our Town art exhibit will circulate throughout the Seguin community, making stops at local schools, museums, banks, businesses, universities, non-profit organizations and other public spaces for all to enjoy.

“The city of Seguin is honored to be a partner in this wonderful project,” said Donna Dodgen, Mayor of Seguin. “We encourage community members to join us for the unveiling of Crunk’s artwork and be part of a celebration that honors Seguin’s shared history and diverse population.”

Special thanks to the following collaborators, sponsors and donors of the “African American Experience in Seguin Through Art and Legacy” installation: Sharon Grant, Texas Lutheran University Associate Professor of History and Director of African American Studies; Wilson Pottery Foundation; John and Joni Sager; the Steering Committee for the Annetta Kraushaar Gallery; and Kyle Olson, Texas Lutheran University Gallery Coordinator and Assistant Professor in the Department of Visual Arts.

The final Our Town art installation by Mexican American/Tejano artist Debora Kuetzpal Vásquez will be unveiled Saturday, May 3 at 2 p.m. at Teatro’s Cultural Arts Center, located at 921 W. New Braunfels St. in Seguin.

ABOUT TEATRO DE ARTES DE JUAN SEGUIN Teatro De Artes De Juan Seguin is a community- based art organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding of the Mexican American community and its people through the teaching, study, practice and performance of the arts and humanities. For more information, please visit teatrodeartes. org.

Photos courtesy of Teatro De Artes De Juan Seguin

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