ACB host Valentine’s Day version of “Paint Your Partner”

Brave couples willing to be vulnerable to see how they are perceived by their partners spent a Valentine’s Day date night at the Art Center of Burlington Friday for the ACB’s third “Paint Your Partner” event.

ACB Director Elizabeth Pappas said the “Paint Your Partner” events have become popular, with 17 couples signing up Friday. Each person gets a blank canvas, and access to paint and brushes, to create a portrait of their partner.

The event is not guided, and no instructions are given. Pappas and her husband, Daniel, also participated Friday.

James Francoeur, Burlington, increased the degree of difficulty for his wife Martha. He was dapperly dressed in a tie and sport coat. Martha did her best to capture his face and his spiffy ensemble.

Jamie Johnson-Cooper and her husband Aaron also participated in the unique experience. Both agreed it was a fun way to celebrate the Valentine’s Day holiday.

The event included refreshments.

Upcoming events at the ACB include the Gallery Lounge and Friday Night Art Hop on Feb. 21 from 5-8 p.m. The event includes music at the Gallery Lounge, a cash bar and charcueterie. Kids can attend a workshop at the Art Center that includes an art activity, light snack and story time if time allows.

Wonderland: An Artfully Mad Experience will be held on Friday, March 28 and Saturday, March 29 from 6-9 p.m. This event for the 21+ crowd includes scavenger hunt, crafts and a “fantastical tea party.”

Costumes are encouraged and tickets are $50 for the event.

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