Maryland Public Television names Steven J. Schupak new president, CEO

Steven J. Schupak has been named Maryland Public Television’s sixth president and chief executive officer Friday. He succeeds Larry D. Unger, who is retiring.

Schupak’s appointment at the 55-year-old Maryland TV network will take effect on July 1.

“It’s an honor to take the helm of Maryland Public Television, a remarkable organization with a rich history of engaging audiences through educational, documentary, natural history, arts, public affairs, and community-based programming,” Schupak said in a statement Friday.

Schupak, who lives in Potomac, joined MPT in 2003 after working 20 years in television and media. He was named MPT chief operating officer in 2014 and station manager in 2021. His previous duties included responsibility for “content creation, educational services and development activities.” He also oversaw the network’s finance and accounting operations, among other duties.

Before he joined MPT, Schupak was vice president at Henninger Media Services and directed the firm’s program production and cable distribution efforts.

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