Fox Anchor Laura Ingraham Says ChatGPT Has Anti-Trump Bias

Tuesday evening, Fox News personality Laura Ingraham issued a warning about the potential political bias inherent in ChatGPT, the nearly omnipresent AI-powered chatbot. “There is growing fear among many who have studied ChatGPT’s possibilities that it is being exploited to be merely another tool of the Left, as opposed to being developed as a potential fact-finding instrument,” Ingraham stated. To substantiate her assertion, Ingraham displayed the results of two orders supplied into ChatGPT, one instructing the program to generate a “poem praising Donald Trump” and the other praising Joe Biden. The denial response to the Trump request stated, “I cannot have ideas or feelings about any one individual.” In response to the Biden request, however, the chatbot composed the following line: “A leader with a golden heart; Joseph Biden, a name to hold.” Some critics noted on social media that it was easy to get ChatGPT to create a poem about Trump; the command just needed to be phrased slightly differently.