The Head of Cannes Consistently Avoids Answering Pressing Questions

Reporters always ask controversial questions at press conferences before and during the Cannes Film Festival. But before the festival started, Thierry Fremaux, who was in charge of the festival’s art, wouldn’t answer questions about anything but movies.

Thierry Fremaux not only responded to queries about Woody Allen and reservations about the ticketing system by defending the participation of Johnny Depp, who the public has scrutinized since his trial with Amber Heard.

He told one reporter, “So you’re not really asking about the cinema?” “I won’t talk about films that aren’t here,” he said.

Fremaux has always avoided questions about the festival’s culture and political problems. At a recent press conference, the artistic director of Cannes brushed off a few important problems, such as an upcoming writers’ strike in France, the WGA strike, and Johnny Depp.

He also dismissed Adele Haenel’s claim that the festival was protecting its “rapist chiefs.” Haenel was in “Portrait of a Lady on Fire.”

“It’s a major event that has to express certain issues,” he said. “Above all, we are here to express the state of current cinema.”

The Cannes director said that he is not worried about the big screen losing its appeal.

Fremaux told IndieWire, “I have no concerns about that. The big screen has kept all its magic. It is even more important than before.”

Fremaux talked about how the festival had to sort through a lot of work to put together its lineup of about 70 features. He also said that the festival had to turn down 10,000 requests for industry recognition this year.

One complaint that still needs to be answered is that Cannes honors well-known directors from the past, leaving little room for newer filmmakers to grow.