C-V2X virtual emulation platform launched by Anritsu

Automotive Testing Expo North America 2023 was highly successful for Anritsu, the test and measurement equipment specialist says. The company exhibited its brand-new C-V2X virtual emulation solution, which was presented to OEMs in concept form. According to Anritsu, it is the first complete system enabling 5G Uu plus C-V2X PC5 hybrid simulation with signaling capability.

Shinji Hoshino, director and technical expert, marketing and product planning, said at the show, “In addition to network simulation ability for both radio access technologies, a test system should work with a traffic simulator. Anritsu’s hybrid system can work with any third-party traffic simulator to verify the system behavior of a connected vehicle under realistic traffic conditions.”

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Hoshino added that the test system can support a total of 16 built-in transceivers, behaving as 5G base stations, and emulates vehicles around a host vehicle under test. The test system offers connected vehicle developers a groundbreaking test method using a digital twin environment, which the company states is another advantage the solution offers.

At its booth, Anritsu also showcased the latest iteration of its RZ-X2-100K series hybrid high-voltage DC power supply and cycler for battery emulation and inverter and traction motor testing. Compared to the predecessor product, it offers higher power, voltage and current, and is easier to use.

Greg Kregoski, automotive technology and business consultant for Anritsu Takasago, summarized why an increase in voltage is important for the EV industry: “Higher voltages, some already exceeding 900V, reduce the weight of vehicles by allowing the use of smaller conductor wires. Our system can provide up to 1,500V, enabling testing of both road cars and industrial vehicles, such as those used for agricultural or mining activities.

Automatically configurable, the Takasago RZ-X2-100K can scale from 110kW to 2,000kW. This covers testing for all available and foreseeable batteries, inverters and traction motors.

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