We live close enough to Hanscom that when the leaves are off the trees, we can clearly hear taps being played every night at 9 p.m. Often, during taps, we hear a chorus of coyotes yipping and howling. I’m not sure if we have particularly patriotic coyotes in town or if it’s something else.
The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife has an interesting article this month asking if coyotes howl at the moon. People often conflate real animals with mythical animals – in this case, coyotes and werewolves.
Werewolves howling at the moon are things of legend, but coyotes and wolves actually don’t howl at the moon. They do raise their heads to the sky which may look like they are pointing to the moon.
Here’s the article from the Massachusetts Wildlife site:
Do coyotes howl at the moon? – Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife – November 2023 Newsletter